and to safety in the Middle East as any other indigenous group. That is not the issue--for me anyway. It seems that any attempt to understand the Middle East from EVERYONE's point of view, not just Israel's, often brings forth defensive statements that the writer/speaker would just as well see the state of Israel extinguished and would not defend it against aggression. Israel is very isolated in that landscape, surrounded by hostile neighbors, and has, as a consequence, turned itself into a medieval fortress bristling with armaments. This is simply an untenable situation--especially with the Bush junta in control of the US military--and could lead to WW III and the end of all life on earth. (Read Carl Sagan's "The Cold and the Dark," which describes the impacts to our atmosphere of even a limited nuclear exchange.) In this volatile situation, the US and Israel are PUSHING Iran to obtain nukes--and doing everything possible to make Iran feel fearful of invasion and bombing, after a long history of horrendous interference in that country, including destruction of Iranian democracy. THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO PEACE, nor to the survival and prosperity of the Jewish homeland.
Some defenders of Israel take the same kind of stance as Bush: "You're either for us or against us." That is not the case with ME--nor of a lot of other people who want peace, prosperity and survival for all Middle Eastern peoples, and for the rest of us as well, and who see the desperate need for WISDOM and for PEACEMAKERS in this situation. There IS no military solution to it! And driving other countries to feel afraid and to pursue military or nuclear defense is NUTS!
My analogy is to a rough neighborhood where crime is rampant. You can put up electrified fences, and get killer dogs, and arm yourself to the teeth, and you might gain yourself some temporary safety within your own conclave, but you are not really safe and secure. The only real safety and security must come from the hard work of community COHESION, taking community responsibility, and seeing to the hopes and dreams and education and prosperity and "upward mobility" of all your neighbors. Friendship, generosity and recognizing and fostering the humanity and equality of your neighbors--and building community--are the keys to peace and prosperity. Militarism not only bankrupts everybody, it leads inevitably to disaster--to unnecessary death and destruction, and to more hatred.
People involved in a conflict--people who are afraid--find this very, very hard to see. I can understand Israel's fear. I can understand Iran's fear. And what I see is the Bush junta, and the war profiteering corporate news monopolies, stoking fear--just as they have done in every other situation, whether here in the US or internationally. Fear is a blinder. Fear is a killer. Fear MUST be overcome, for there to be peace and justice in the Middle East and in the world, and for humanity to survive this era.