I did some searching. The results for a Google search on "the Center for the Struggle Against Racism" resulted in:
Your search - "Center for the Struggle Against Racism" - did not match any documents.
Here is what I found for "Bachar Ouda" (the director):
Friday, January 31, 2003“17 Palestinian including three children were also injured in Tamun, a village in the north, during an army raid and searches, in which three more Palestinians were detained, village mayor
Bashar Bani Ouda said. The Palestinians were wounded when Israeli forces opened fire on a crowd of stone-throwers. Israeli forces and bulldozers had surrounded the house of a wanted militant and prepared to destroy it when they were confronted by the stone-throwers, the mayor said. —AFP
Daily Times - Pakistan ------
Edité le: vendredi 31 janvier 2003. (Edited on:
Friday, January 31, 2003)
(in French) “Trois enfants palestiniens ont également été blessés et trois Palestiniens arrêtés jeudi à Tammoun lors d’une incursion de l’armée, a indiqué à l’AFP le maire de cette localité située près de Jénine,
Bachar Bani Ouda.”
(in English) “Three Palestinian children were also wounded and three stopped Palestinians Thursday with Tammoun at the time of an incursion of the army, indicated to AFP the mayor of this locality located close to Jenin,
Bachar Bani Ouda.”
12/15/2004Likud MK Hazan draws fire for `racist' views
Ha'aretz The director of a center for combating racism,
Bakher Ouda, appealed to Attorney General Menachem Mazuz yesterday to issue an indictment against Likud MK...
Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel(
Notice he is described as "the director OF a center for combating racism." So, what is the name of this mysterious center?)
Aug 22, 2005, 18:40“The statistics elaborated that among those martyrs are: Mohammed Al-Dahamin, Mahmoud Salah, Hazem Qabha, known as Abu Jandal, Ahmed Jawabereh, Walid Amre, Ahmed Khamis Attiyah, Bashir Awais, Fawaz Al-Bulbul, Falah Mashareqeh, Mohammed Abu Hadwan, Mahmoud Kamil, Rasim Ghunaimat, Abdul Fatah Radad, Ali Abu Al-Rab, and
Bashar Bani Ouda, resident of Jenin district village of Tamun, who was martyred in Jalbo prison on
23/6/2005 (this is July 23, 2005) in view of medical negligence.”
Bani Ouda ,who was arrested on 7/6/2004 and was serving an 58-month-prison term, was latest such case.
Centre Palestinien D'Information - UK------
Dec 17, 2005, 22:56(in French) “Cependant, nous ne devons pas oublier de citer les cas de décès qui se sont déroulés ces derniers temps à l’intérieur des prisons de l’occupation sioniste, et dont la cause réelle n’est pas souvent connue que par les prisonniers proches du martyr, et parfois le secret part avec lui dans sa tombe. Qu’ALLAH agrée nos frères martyrs, Jawad Abou Maghsib et
Bachar Bani Ouda et les accepte dans sa grande miséricorde.”
(in English) “However, we should not forget to quote the cases of deaths which proceeded lately inside the prisons of the occupation Zionist, and whose real cause is not often known that by the prisoners close to the martyr, and sometimes the secrecy leaves with him in its tomb. That ALLAH approved our brothers martyrs, Jawad Abou Maghsib and
Bachar Bani Ouda and accepts them in its great mercy.”
Centre Palestinien D'Information So who is “Bachar Ouda?” Is he the mayor of Tamun, the director of the “Center for the Struggle Against Racism?” Is he dead or alive? Is “Bachar Ouda” the same “Bachar Bani Ouda?’ Why is the picture at “
Ha’aretz” an archival photo? Is this all a case of ‘mistaken identity,’ or simply a misspelling of the Arabic name in English (notice in the “Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel” article they refer to him as “Ba
kher Ouda” and not “Ba
char Ouda”
What about "Geocartographia?" Well, they are a real group. They are:
The GeoCartographia Research Institute
The GeoCartographia Research Institute, headed by Prof. Avi Degani and Dr. Rina Degani, an expert in the field of calculating the economic potential of products, undertakes special projects in a wide range of areas. The Institute combines research expertise with wide experience of performing field surveys, and is noted for its research work, high expertise with mathematical models, development of unique tools at an international level, and work with high-level organizations both in Israel and internationally. The Institute also specializes in performing surveys among the specific sectors of population found in Israel.
The market surveys and potential surveys carried out by the Institute include consumer goods, buyers, power centers, real-estate projects, and more. The Institute includes experts in the fields of marketing, economics, business management, statistics, mathematics, performance surveys, geography, information systems, social psychology, sociology, communications, education, urban planning and urban economics.
The Institute has four research departments, and a special survey department which serves all the other departments. This department, the "GeoCartographia Survey Institute," has over the years acquired a reputation for reliability and accuracy, both in economic/commercial and in political forecasting. The Institute's success is the result of its scientific development work in the areas of sampling and segmentation of target populations, a deep understanding of the various population sectors, and a great deal of experience in fields such as consumer behavior, as well as areas of importance socially and nationally.
Hopefully, someone can contact them (they are still building that part of the site) in Israel and see if they did conduct this study and what the methods and questions were.