to discredit Israel and to equate
("=" is the math operator for "identically equal") "Jew
= Zionist
= Bushie" has been the exact opposite.
It has led some of us to dig way beneath the surface of such academicians as Stefan Halper and Jonathan Clarke ("America Alone: The Neo-Conservatives and the Global Order") and John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt ("The Jewish Lobby") and Norman Finkelstein ("Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict," "The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering" and "Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History.") to read their various books and articles - both in the popular press and in the learned journals.
(my interpretation on Halper, Clarke, Mearsheimer, and Walt is that but for their opinions on AIPAC they are somewhat to the right - as in Cold Warrior and Paleo-Con - of what most DUers would follow.)
It has also led some of us to check the previous positions of some of the vanity web sites cited regularly, like Allison Weir's "If Americans Knew" with its contributors such former Congressman Paul Findley (also of anti-choice and anti-affirmative action fame) and James Ennes (also of "Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth" fame), and its financial backers such as the Coors Foundation, the Olin Foundation, the Scaife Foundation (generally referred to by Senator Hillary Clinton as "The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" - the same people who funded the Arkansas Project, and Santorum's defeat of Wofford, etc.)
These are academicians and polemicists who would never be seen or heard of on a Progressive site - because of their otherwise fairly consistent antipathy and hostility to Progressive positions. But, because they sharply criticize Israel - and Israelis, and Jews, in a "guilt by association" manner of linking "Jew
= Zionist
= Bushie" these Paleo-Cons and/or members of the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" have suddenly gained some new credibility among some Progressives.
Well, the effect of citing these academicians and polemicists and the Progressives who cite them have made some of us even more certain in our positions.