Last update - 09:48 23/04/2006
New PA police chief marks Jews as 'only enemy' of Palestinians
By Haaretz Service
Jamal Abu Samhadana, the wanted leader of the armed Popular Resistance Committees whose appointment to a senior Palestinian Authority police post sparked a bitter feud between Hamas and Fatah, told the Sunday Telegraph newspaper that his only enemy is the Jews, and that the paramilitary force he was nominated to create was to become the "nucleus of the future Palestinian army."
The feud, which turned into armed clashes at the weekend, began on Thursday, when by PA Interior Minister Said Sayem that he was setting up a new security force that would encompass the Hamas military wing. Sayem announced that he was appointing Abu Samhadana wanted for several high-profile bombings including a deadly attack on a U.S. diplomatic convoy in Gaza and attacks on IDF tanks in Gaza to a senior police post.
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas later issued a presidential order cancelling Sayem's appointment, and convened the PLO executive committee in Ramallah, which condemned the new force. On Friday, Hamas leader Khaled Meshal lashed out in response to senior figures in Fatah, comments that were understood as veiled attacks on Abbas as having betrayed the Palestinian cause and having acted as a collaborator with Israel.
Meshal's remarks sparked demonstrations in the territories by armed Fatah men. Meshall later told reporters his words had been misunderstood.