about Israel wanting to remove Arafat? I realize I'm a non-involved party here, but wouldn't that really just continue the assertion that the Palestinians are nothing more than a subjugated people. Far from ending the terrorism, I fear it would deepen the circle of violence in the Middle East. Marginalization of the Palestinians was what got this whole mess started anyway. Whats more disturbing is that a poll on CNN.com today show that an overwhelming majority of Americans go along with Arafat's removal. Don't we consider colonialism bad anymore? I have only academic arguments about zionism and I agree the Holocaust was a horrible chapter in our human history, but isn't the unceasing construction of settlements in the West Bank and Gaza tantamount to colonialism? The US has no qualms about chastizing other govenments when they overstep their national boundaries and infringe on another people: Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, for example. Why have we drug our feet on taking Israel to task and urging them to recognize Paseltinians as a soverign people? What about China's (most-favored trading nation) occupation of Tibet. But, that's a topic for another post. I'm sure I'll get some accusations of my being anti-semitic, but what I am really trying to say is that the US is hypocritical to retaliate against one country for perpatrating an aggressive act, but only put forth mild protestations against another for the same act. Now discuss.