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Another House Demolished in Violation of a Court Order

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Resistance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-15-03 10:50 PM
Original message
Another House Demolished in Violation of a Court Order
Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions

Contrary to a court order, the Jerusalem Municipality today demolished two rooms of the Dabash family’s home in Sur Baher. This is the second time the home is being demolished. It was rebuilt after the first demolition as part
of the rebuilding project of the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions
(ICAHD) and the Jerusalem Center for Social and Economic Rights. The
organizations plan to rebuild the house yet again. The Municipality this
afternoon also demolished the home of the Awisat family in Jabel Mukaber.
On 26 August the court issued a demolition order for the Dabash family’s
home. The family’s lawyer, Nakhoum Solan, received informal notice of the
demolition order by fax. The fax stated that the order would go into effect
only after the lawyer was to receive official notice, and that he would be
given fifteen days to appeal the order. After the demolition crew arrived
this morning Solan appealed for a delay. Although the judge ordered a
delay, was their lawyer brought to the police and to the Municipality’s
prosecutor, Dani Liebman, the Municipality official supervising the
demolition refused to acknowledge the delay order and demolished two rooms
in the house before the order arrived. The demolition was temporarily
halted, but the rest of the house except one room was destroyed after an
engineer declared the partially demolished structure unsafe. Solan received
the official demolition order at 12:30 this afternoon, after the demolition
had taken place.
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Tinoire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-15-03 11:07 PM
Response to Original message
1. Great to see Progressives in Action!
About Us
ICAHD is a non-violent, direct-action group originally established to oppose and resist Israeli demolition of Palestinian houses in the Occupied Territories. As our activists gained direct knowledge of the brutalities of the Occupation, we expanded our resistance activities to other areas - land expropriation, settlement expansion, by-pass road construction, policies of "closure" and "separation," the wholesale uprooting of fruit and olive trees and more. The fierce repression of Palestinian efforts to "shake off" the Occupation following the latest Intifada has only added urgency to our efforts.

As a direct-action group, ICAHD is comprised of members of many Israeli peace and human rights organizations. All of our work in the Occupied Territories is closely coordinated with local Palestinian organizations.

Since its founding, ICAHD's activities have extended to three interrelated spheres: resistance and protest actions in the Occupied Territories; efforts to bring the reality of the Occupation to Israeli society; and mobilizing the international community for a just peace. Our activities include:


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