Foundation for Middle East Peace - Settlement Report Sept/Oct 2003Department of State spokesman Richard Boucher:
Question: Has the State Department made an assessment about what more would be required in the first phase to be considered a sufficient settlement freeze?
Boucher: There耀ome of the outposts were taken down, but there are more to be taken down. And I think the Israeli government has said it has a comprehensive plan to do that. There is the issue of settlements freeze as well, where I'd say it's not settled at this point exactly all the details of how that can be implemented. So settlements is an ongoing issue that remains under discussion.
Question: Do you consider that you have a commitment from the Israelis to freeze settlements or not?
Boucher: We have a commitment from the Israelis on the road map. We have a commitment from the Israelis to take steps that move along the process described by the road map. They have made very clear in public their commitments on taking down outposts. And the issue of settlement activity remains one of discussion with the Israelis on how that can be implemented as well. . . .
Question: Maybe I'm misunderstanding this. . . . The Israelis容ither you stop容ither you stop or you don't stop, you know. There isn't any other little discussion. There is nothing葉here is no room for discussion.
Boucher: I know that sounds great rhetorically in the briefing room. But you all know enough about this subject to know that this issue has been discussed for many years, that there are very involved aspects to this of funding, of so-called natural growth, of so-called, you know, questions of children, questions of cousins, questions of schools, questions of perimeters, questions of land. You know that's been the discussion in the past, and it shouldn't be any different now.
Question: So your understanding, do you have a position on what freezing settlements means? What is it?
Boucher: We have a position that this matter is still under discussion with the Israelis.
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