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Hamas thanked Saudi prince for aid: Paper

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Nottingham Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-17-03 10:00 PM
Original message
Hamas thanked Saudi prince for aid: Paper
Hamas thanked Saudi prince for aid: Paper,4386,210381,00.html?

WASHINGTON - A senior leader of the Palestinian militant group Hamas personally thanked Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz last year for the financial support his group received, The New York Times reported yesterday, quoting a document summarising the meeting.
Visiting Riyadh last October, senior Hamas leader Khalid Mishaal and other representatives of his group thanked their Saudi hosts for continuing 'to send aid to the people through the civilian and popular channels, despite all the American pressures exerted on them'.

'This is indeed a brave posture deserving appreciation,' Mr Mishaal added, according to the document.
The meeting was held by the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, a Riyadh-based charitable organisation.
A summary of the meeting, written by a Hamas official, was seized by the Israeli military during a raid in Gaza last December and given recently to The New York Times by a former Israeli official, the daily said.

A Saudi official told the daily the document was 'trash'.

'There is nothing in it except the views and perceptions of Hamas members who attended this conference,' said the Saudi official whose identity was not given.
The allegations made in the document throw light on an ongoing US and European investigation into suspected Saudi aid to Hamas, said to be behind many of the suicide bombings.
US law enforcement officials, the Times said, estimate that half of Hamas' yearly US$10 million (S$17.5 million) operating budget comes from individual donors in Saudi Arabia.


Looks like New York Times has some interesting piece of evidence!
:bounce: And the Bush administration let them go and tried to hide the evidence! :bounce:
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Nottingham Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-17-03 10:12 PM
Response to Original message
1. Hamas denies receiving donations from Saudi Arabia
Hamas denies receiving donations from Saudi Arabia

Hamas has denied reports disseminated by Israel and pro zionist circles that the movement receives donations and funds from Saudi Arabia.

“This is part of the over-all Zionist onslaught against Islam and Muslims. I assure you we don’t receive money from Saudi Arabia or any other country. We don’t need money from abroad. We have enough money inside Palestine,” said a high-ranking Hamas official in Ramallah...

Abu Muhammed pointed out that up to 90% of Hamas financial resources come from ordinary Muslim individuals. “You know each and every financially able Muslim is required to pay Zakat, or alms, so Muslims from all over the world pay to us to feed and take care of the orphan and the needy.”

The Hebrew Press on Tuesday quoted some Zionist sources as claiming that half of Hamas funds came from sources in Saudi Arabia, but no concrete proof was given for the allegation....

This article is from Ductape on page two
We have a conflict! Somebody is lying either the NYTimes or the Muslim News????????????????


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Nottingham Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-17-03 10:27 PM
Response to Original message
2. Whose Lying Muslim Paper or New York Times
Is that the question? No wonder Israelis no wonder our nervous about the F15's bought from the Us parked on a Base close to Israeli!

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Nottingham Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-17-03 10:30 PM
Response to Original message
3. Maybe there was more of a rift between Israel& Bush
could have been Arafat's fate???

Maybe Israel knows where Bush REALLY stands
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Nottingham Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-17-03 10:47 PM
Response to Original message
4. Thanks for moving this but this has a different opinion!
:bounce: Than the other two articles still remaining on the Latest Breaking News?? Is it because it is sensitive information just wondering

Heres One

Hamas denies receiving donations from Saudi Arabia

Hamas has denied reports disseminated by Israel and pro zionist circles that the movement receives donations and funds from Saudi Arabia.

“This is part of the over-all Zionist onslaught against Islam and Muslims. I assure you we don’t receive money from Saudi Arabia or any other country. We don’t need money from abroad. We have enough money inside Palestine,” said a high-ranking Hamas official in Ramallah...

Abu Muhammed pointed out that up to 90% of Hamas financial resources come from ordinary Muslim individuals. “You know each and every financially able Muslim is required to pay Zakat, or alms, so Muslims from all over the world pay to us to feed and take care of the orphan and the needy.”

The Hebrew Press on Tuesday quoted some Zionist sources as claiming that half of Hamas funds came from sources in Saudi Arabia, but no concrete proof was given for the allegation....

This is from Latest Breaking News!
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Gimel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-18-03 09:17 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. Not from the SA govn't
But from individual rich Muslims.

they admit it in the article:

Abu Muhammed pointed out that up to 90% of Hamas financial resources come from ordinary Muslim individuals.

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durutti Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-18-03 09:06 PM
Response to Original message
5. Saudi Araba & Hamas...
Both full of reactionary jerks who only harm the Palestinian cause.
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