Minister Aharon Uzan once said about the collapsing
Menachem Begin government: "This isn't a
government; it's a shakshuka, a slapdash dish of
eggs and leftovers." The unbearable lightness with
which the cabinet decided to cut National
Insurance Institute allowances, and Netanyahu's
hasty retreat, actually shows a government that is
more slapstick than slapdash. It's the government
that is incapable of killing Sheikh Ahmed Yassin,
but manages to revive Yasser Arafat and that
discusses the state budget as if it were haggling
in a Persian bazaar.
Since when does a chief of staff
say publicly that cutting the
defense budget is an earthquake
of Yom Kippur War proportions?
Since when does an air force
commander threaten to ground
planes? Since when do defense
officials threaten to shut down
the Arrow missile, the spy
satellite, and the Merkava V4
produciton line? The health minister threatens
that doctors will have to pick and choose among
who will live or die in the hospitals.