Equal time.This past summer, the Lebanese-based terrorist group Hizballah was victorious in its war against Israel. When I say "victorious," I mean that the governments of Syria and Iran simply repeated over and over that Hizballah had won, and the Western press inevitably took their cues like obedient canaries. Of course, by any reasonable military standard, Hizballah was handed a crushing defeat. Its numbers were significantly depleted, its infrastructure denigrated, and its resupply lines at least partially blockaded. Israeli troops are in Hizballah territory, not vice versa. But in the logic of terrorism, victory is defined as mere survival. Just as bin Laden's continued cave-hopping, Daisy Cutter-dodging existence is somehow proof that America is losing the war on terror, so that Hizballah wasn't completely annihilated is proof of an Israeli defeat.
Fair enough. If Hizballah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah can dupe an entire subcontinent into believing that a shattered, reoccupied Lebanon is proof of victory, so be it. A few more Hizballah "victories" and Israel will own the entire Arabian Peninsula. But let's get serious. Let's assume that Hizballah's survival at least handed them an important propaganda victory over Israel. This assumption is proving accurate, but at most is a short term gain. This war has taught Israel some very important lessons.
First, Hizballah is much more militarily advanced than previously thought. But this fact, along with Hizballah's use of medium-range Iranian rockets, have exposed their capabilities. Before the war, Israel mistook Hizballah for a weak, disorganized band of ragtag guerillas. Hizballah no longer has this advantage. Second, Israel's defense forces are not as properly trained and supplied as previously thought. Rest assured that these deficiencies are not going uncorrected by the IDF. Israel has no choice. Their wars are wars of survival as well, and they can't afford to lose.
Most importantly, Sheikh Nasrallah, in a rare display of integrity, admitted in a recent TV interview that he would not have ordered the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers had he known it would lead to such a war. Translation: Nasrallah and Co. have shelved, temporarily at least, any plans to provoke Israel in any way that might renew hostilities. In other words, Israeli military force, or the credible threat of force, is currently preventing further terrorism.
Chicago Flame