That's from the resolution
3379. It was
rescinded in 1991, though many seem to quote it as though it had not been rescinded, or as some do, that in some way it was because, simply, the United Nations does not like Israel (or, as some have said, even Jews).
It is not widely noted, for whatever reason, that that resolution came about chiefly because of the Israeli government's intense and persistent love affair with the racist White South-African government.
At the time Israel and the White South-African government had extremely close relations. Their relationship which included mutual dissemination of techniques to oppress the indigenous people, the sale of weaponry and armaments (even when the rest of the world, for a
decade, was already boycotting the White South-African government) and, of course, developing their nuclear arms programs together and testing their first nuclear devices together. That's friendship. Israel's demonization of the ANC (African National Congress)- you know, the
Africans who didn't like living in bantustans under White South-African military control and wanted something abhorrent like not being prisoners in their own nation, is well known to anyone who has looked into the matter more than fleetingly.
Those curious about the facts of that relationship should read
Israeli Foreign Policy: South Aftica and Central America, Jane Hunter (1987).
For the more casual reader, some excerpts from the book
here. The site it is from is critical of Israel (and many, many other governments) and some have made the equation that criticism of Israel is, in fact, anti-Semitic. Should the reader's sensibilities agree with this equation, or equations that criticism of the current American government is anti-American or un-Democratic, or that Noam Chomsky's criticism of Israel
or America are both anti-American
and anti-Semitic, or unnerved by criticism of Fox News or dictators in general, I caution you away from this site in hopes of preserving your psychological well-being.