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Security Council's Lebanon resolution must be carried out, Israeli foreign

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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 10:39 PM
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Security Council's Lebanon resolution must be carried out, Israeli foreign
Posted for the change in rhetoric.


Addressing the General Assembly's annual debate, Tzipi Livni said the conflict had produced an opportunity. “The world faces a critical test – to ensure the full implementation of resolution 1701, and the immediate and safe release of the Israeli hostages,” she said.

Israelis, moderate Palestinians and the international community all share a vision of two States, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, she said. “A two-State solution requires the creation of a new reality, which never existed in the past. For it to succeed, both sides will need to commit to compromise and to believe in co-existence.”


But she also voiced hope for the future, and said that in this spirit she had met with President Abbas two days ago. “We agreed to re-energize the dialogue between us, and create a permanent channel to pursue ways to advance together.”

Noting that Jews are preparing to welcome their new year while Muslims around the world prepare for the holy month of Ramadan, she said: “As two great faiths begin their annual journey of reflection and decision, let the nations of the world begin it too.”

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