Jerusalem Post.
By rights, Binyamin Netanyahu, who every poll says is by far the most popular politician in Israel, should be ranked with Jean Le Pen, Jorge Haider and the rest of the Western world's racist demagogues.But he won't be, because anti-Arab racism in Israel is either supported or strategically ignored by the mainstream of the Jewish world, and pretty much taken for granted by the gentile world.
The once-and-possibly-future prime minister of Israel says publicly that he's sorry his welfare cuts made life harder for Jewish families who are "blessed," as he put it, with many children, but isn't it "positive" that these cuts resulted in fewer Arab children being born? Then Netanyahu went on to suggest a national remedy for the victims of his economic policies - but for Jewish victims only, not Arab victims.
"I don't think that the Jewish Agency should refrain from helping part of the Jewish public in the state," he said, "and it is possible that additional non-governmental bodies could have done so."
IMAGINE IF any gentile government official in the world cited the lowering of the Jewish birthrate in his country as an accomplishment, then recommended that his country's founding institution raise money to help poor gentile families, but not poor Jewish families. How would the Jewish world, starting with Israel, characterize such an individual? What sort of pressure would the Jewish world apply to get him or her fired, blackballed and, if possible, indicted?
Comments: I suggest reading the whole article. Can't imagine such an opinion piece being printed in the US. I supposse they see this as mostly harmless in Israel, since such criticism might have the effect of only increasing Bibi's popularity, with only the minority nodding in agreement.
The Bush administration policy has been that private agencies take over and do the work of providing welfare to our poorest citizens. Imagine, if you will, Bush saying "I don't think that the white churches should refrain from helping part of the white public in the state." Imagine if he then said that this may help decrease the non-white birthrate. I don't think this would go over well.
The fact remains Israeli society is not a fair society. Not only is there individual acts of racism, but it is instituional, it is ingrained into the way the government acts, it is part of Israeli law. Carter only got it half right. writer also seems to take issue that the problem of Israeli racism being confined to Avigdor Lieberman , Minister of Strategic Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister of Israel since November 2006 and his party, Yisrael Beytenu. Lieberman has said things like that Arab members of the knesset should be shot, and that Arab citizens in Israel should be removed, thus finishing what was started in 1948. Anti-Arab racism, An Israeli tradition.
U.S. support for policies of exclusion and racism (and our own). As american as apple pie.
In the case of Israel, $3 billion a year of U.S. unquestioning support. Disgusting.