West Bank security fence very different than Great Wall of China http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3355963,00.html<
"The Great Wall of China could well be included in the realm of contemporary, conceptual, environmental sculpture.
It was only completed 1,500 years after building commenced in the second century before Christ. It was built to serve as a barrier and to prevent ancient tribes on horseback from penetrating China and harming its citizens. It wasn't built with the aim of making it difficult for farmers to work their land, to expropriate land or to make it difficult for children to reach their schools.
After design and construction rules were set, after measurements for its width and height were concluded, and after the Wall's location on the peaks of a mountain range were determined, the Wall began to ascend and descend the mountain slopes, while topography determined its form, its integration into the landscape, its twists and turns and ultimately its final shape."
"A comparison between the Wall we are currently building cannot be avoided. Clearly, the concept of our wall is different and the principles guiding its construction are difficult to explain.
Therefore, it is hardly surprising that the Supreme Court often rejects the arguments, asks for amendments and even rules in favor of dismantling parts of it. It is perceived by world opinion as inhumane, as not serving a security purpose, and as justification for expropriating Palestinian land and abusing the occupants."