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Bethlehem Christians fear (Muslim) neighbors

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furman Donating Member (363 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-25-07 08:57 PM
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Bethlehem Christians fear (Muslim) neighbors

Jan. 25, 2007 0:00 | Updated Jan. 25, 2007 15:00
Bethlehem Christians fear neighbors

A number of Christian families have finally decided to break their silence and talk openly about what they describe as Muslim persecution of the Christian minority in this city.

The move comes as a result of increased attacks on Christians by Muslims over the past few months. The families said they wrote letters to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, the Vatican, Church leaders and European governments complaining about the attacks, but their appeals have fallen on deaf ears.

According to the families, many Christians have long been afraid to complain in public about the campaign of "intimidation" for fear of retaliation by their Muslim neighbors and being branded "collaborators" with Israel.

But following an increase in attacks on Christian-owned property in the city over the past few months, some Christians are no longer afraid to talk about the ultra-sensitive issue. And they are talking openly about leaving the city.


"We heard that President Mahmoud Abbas is taking our case very seriously," said Georgette Lama. "But until now he hasn't done anything to help us get our land back. We are very concerned because we're not the only ones suffering from this phenomenon. Most Christians are afraid to speak, but I don't care because we have nothing more to lose."


The couple's Christian neighbor, Edward Salama, said the problem in the city was the absence of law and order. "We are living in a state of chaos and lawlessness," he said. "The police are afraid of the thugs who are taking our lands."


The Lamas said they decided to go public with the hope that the international community would intervene with the PA to halt the land-grab. "We will fight and fight until we recover our land," Fuad Lama said. "We will resort to the courts and to the public opinion for help.


A Christian businessman who asked not to be identified said the conditions of Christians in Bethlehem and its surroundings had deteriorated ever since the area was handed over to the PA in 1995.

"Every day we hear of another Christian family that has immigrated to the US, Canada or Latin America," he said. "The Christians today make up less than 15 percent of the population.

People are running away because the Palestinian government isn't doing anything to protect them and their property against Muslim thugs. Of course not all the Muslims are responsible, but there is a general feeling that Christians have become easy prey."

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melnjones Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-25-07 09:01 PM
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1. Note to crazy dispensationalists...
over 10% of Palestinians are Christian. Little known fact.
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Igel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-25-07 10:00 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. There are other estimates.
Under 10% in the West Bank and Gaza is a common formulation; some estimates have it down to 2%, with ~2k in Gaza.

It was supposedly as high as 15% decades back, and has dropped consistently since then. The PA has portrayed it as a response to Israeli policies, a claim that's received quite a bit of publicity, but the drop started before the Israeli occupation. And there have been other articles lamenting the communal 'tolerance' of especially ardent Muslims towards Xians.

Now, the Xian percentage of all Palestinians, including in the diaspora ... I have no clue. I know that many in the US are Xian ... but that goes to reason, since the percentage in Palestine's dropped so much.
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Douglas Carpenter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-25-07 11:42 PM
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3. the Christian Community in Bethlehem are very disturbed by the apartheid wall
which is dividing up the community with devastating affect. On a personal note, a coworker of a friend of mine - from a Bethlehem Christian family - has seen the wall cut off their families olive grove from the home..It has left her poor old father a complete wreck. It was his pride and joy. And now it's being taken away.

this is a great website run by the Christian community in Bethlehem: /

"The Wall around Bethlehem is in actuality part of the so–called “Jerusalem envelope” that starts from the settlement of Bet Horon to the northwest of Jerusalem city all the way to Kfar Etzion settlement in the very south of the Bethlehem District. This section of the Wall will:

Annex the entire western countryside of the Bethlehem District west of the Wall isolating four villages (Battir, Husan, Nahhalin and Wadi Fukin) with their 18,000 inhabitants.

Walaja and Jaba villages, to the north and south respectively, will be completely isolated from Bethlehem, while their lands will be annexed to the newly expanded Occupation municipal boundaries where already existing settlements will expand, and new ones will be built. Six villages, with 20,000 Palestinians, will be isolated from the Bethlehem District.

This new path of the Wall will ensure the annexation of ten settlements comprising of the so-called “Gush Etzion” settlement bloc. All ten settlements, including Bat Ayin, Efrata, Geva’ot, and Betar, will expand on the isolated lands of Bethlehem District.

The Wall in Bethlehem will cut some 4-5 kms deep inside the West Bank, annexing most of what has remained of the District’s lands, creating devastating economic and social effects. "



Two Excellent books from a Palestinian Christian point of view by Rev. Mitri Raheb, Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bethlehem:

Bethlehem Besieged: Stories of Hope in Times of Trouble

Amazon link:


I Am A Palestinian Christian

Amazon link:

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