However, it does appear that real progress may have been under way.
It is true that most Palestinians I know (and the rest of the Arab world as well) do think America has the power and ability to force Israel into accepting an agreement that would give them a genuine independent and sovereign state. Palestinians are simply not a hateful people by nature. And I do agree that most do complain bitterly about the corruption within the Palestinian Authority. Considering that polls among Palestinians show that less than 3% support an Islamic state and more than 75% support a peaceful settlement with the Israelis ( ) I'm inclined to believe that frustration with Fatah was a leading factor in why Hamas won the legislative elections, not because of ideological support.
Regarding Taba in January 2001 what is disconcerting is that Prime Minister Barak quickly distanced himself from the offer and claimed publicly that these were only talks not official negotiations. Also, Mr. Sharon who was expected by everyone to win the elections had stated categorically that he would not honor any such treaty if it was signed. Now recent polls in Israel show Bibi Netanyahu and Likud having a commanding lead.
Here is a link to the European Union summary document regarding the Taba talks first published in Haaretz on February 14, 2001:"Moratinos Document" - The peace that nearly was at Taba
By Akiva Eldar
14 February 2002 - link:
snip" This document, whose main points have been approved by the Taba negotiators as an accurate description of the discussions, casts additional doubts on the prevailing assumption that Ehud Barak "exposed Yasser Arafat's true face." It is true that on most of the issues discussed during that wintry week of negotiations, sizable gaps remain. Yet almost every line is redolent of the effort to find a compromise that would be acceptable to both sides. It is hard to escape the thought that if the negotiations at Camp David six months earlier had been conducted with equal seriousness, the intifada might never have erupted. And perhaps, if Barak had not waited until the final weeks before the election, and had instead sent his senior representatives to that southern hotel earlier, the violence might never have broken out."
link to the rest of Mr. Eldar's analysis as well as complete summary documents known as the "Moratinos Document"
Here is a link to very long 43 page pdf file summary. The article is neutral and dispassionate. It gives a very calm and rational critique of all sides:
Visions in Collisions: What Happened at Camp David and Taba
by Dr. Jeremy Pressman, University of Connecticut