AIPAC unduly influence the United States Congress?
By Mary MacElveen
March 13, 2007
In reading this piece, AIPAC conference opens to controversy starting with John Hagee the quote that I zeroed in on was one made by Senator Barack Obama who is a Democratic presidential candidate when he said, “We should take no option, including military action, off the table, and show strong support for Israel’s actions in last summer’s war against Hezbollah,” The option he speaks of is a possible attack upon Iran by the United States. I would like to ask Senator Obama is any attack on Iran by the United States in our best interest or Israel’s?
When Israel pummeled Lebanon last summer, as an American, I did not support those actions. In fact, I angrily blasted our government for funding Israel’s fighter jets to the tune of $280 million dollars. That money I felt could have been better spent here at home. I would say that money could have been used for our soldiers at Walter Reed while they were living and suffering in such squalor. As this story has broken wide open for all to witness that is where our tax money should have been going. But, then again, many have known of these abuses that our soldiers have been facing for years.
When I read, “AIPAC will again put a heavy emphasis on efforts to prevent Iran from going nuclear and on expanding U.S.-Israel cooperation to meet the weapons of mass destruction threat, “especially from Iran.” All I will say is that Israel should speak when they own a large arsenal of nuclear weapons. Seeing how they pummeled Lebanon last summer one must ask; who is the bigger threat?
In a previous piece written for my blog titled, Note to Prime Minister Olmert: We already knew that Israel had a nuclear stockpile, I wrote:“It is no secret and has not been for years as to how many nuclear warheads Israel presently owns as one reads Israel has now over 400 nuclear warheads. The cat has already been let out of the bag as one reads, “According to retired US Army Colonel Warner D. Farr, M.D., Israel is the fifth largest nuclear superpower in the world. By 1967, Israel already had 15 atomic bombs in its arsenal. In 1976, their nuclear arsenal grew to 15 to 20 nukes, and by 1980 jumped to 200. According to Farr, in 1997, Israel now has over 400 nuclear and hydrogen weapons.” Why is there no talk of their nuclear capability as we speak of weapons of mass destruction in that region? No, we invaded a country that did not have any and look at the price we have paid as a country.
Now here we stand years later worried about Iran when Israel has shown the propensity to attack another country namely Lebanon? They have also applied pressure on Palestine and have attacked the Palestinian people as well. In fact, last year they blew up a power plant in Palestine and we the tax payers of the United States gave Israel $48 million dollars to repair that power station.
While some may blast me for even writing this article as Palestine has used suicide bombers who President Bush labeled “homicide bombers” But that is a blow-back affect. No, I am not excusing such violence, but the world grows weary of this endless violence.