This week, two additional pilots signed the
letter and one retracted his signature, saying
the pressure was overwhelming. Of the 28
signatories, eight do active service.
We remain firm in our opinion," they said.
"Furthermore, we are encouraged by the more
than 500 letters we have received from every
segment of the population, including a moving
letter from a Holocaust survivor and letters
from Israelis living overseas who wrote that we
had restored their pride."
"The refuseniks' letter demonstrates pretentious
sanctimoniousness and arrogance and harms
comrades in arms and all the pilots of the air
force," Mofaz told a special session of the
"Its ostensible goal is to seize the moral high
ground over all other IDF fighters and air
force pilots, but in practice it expresses an
immoral and antisocial stance," said Mofaz.
"The refuseniks' letter gives moral
encouragement to the lawless members of the
terrorist organizations."