Edited on Sun Oct-05-03 09:43 AM by Flying_Pig
With news this morning of Israel's bombing of targets deep within Syria, we are seeing PNAC/Likud-Part Two, of their plan for world domination and subjugation of the Middle East. Their joint plan to control the area, and its oil resources, is in full swing.
I have no doubt that PNAC's White House operatives (Cheney, Wolfowitz, Feith, Abrams, Bolton, Libby, Perle, et al) were fully apprised of Israel's actions, ...before the fact.
It is also quite obvious, that PNAC's ties (Perle, Wolfowitz, Libby, and Feith, have all worked for the government of Israel) to Israel's Sharon, and his fascist Likud government, was the primary motivation behind PNAC's call for wars across the Middle East, with control of oil resources being a secondary motivation (and the one to convince the U.S. into involvement).
Likud's American ally, PNAC, has been joined by U.S. based organizations like AIPAC, JINSA, and the JDL, in the urging of invasions of countries throughout the ME. Both congressional Republicans, and some Democrats, have embraced these goals and organizations. In doing so, they are directly supporting PNAC's goals for world domination, and world war.
A couple of months ago, PNAC'er James Woolsey, a former CIA Director, stated that World War IV was upon us (he thought WWIII was the Cold War). As he helped outline PNAC's goals, he was certainly in a position to know, that in fact, PNAC, in consort their friends Sharon/Likud, would be expanding (WWIV started with U.S. invasions of Afghanistan, and then Iraq) their plans for WWIV with attacks on Syria and Iraq.
All of this dovetails nicely, with Bush's need to change the country's focus from his scandals and lies, to still more bloodshed, fear, and war. Israel is doing it's part, no doubt given the "OK" by PNAC/BFEE, and moving ahead in an offensive, rather than defensive manner.
There will be no peace in the ME, nor the rest of the world, as long as PNAC, and their Likud-allied principals, are allowed to dominate our government here in the U.S., and as long as we allow the Israeli government to influence our nation vis-a-vis their vassals and allies in PNAC/AIPAC/JINSA/JDL, and, their friends in the media.
Allowing an outside nation such control and influence of our foreign and military policy, is a violation of our Constitution, and amounts to treason by those who promote and allow it.