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In Gaza, tunnel vision staves off starvation

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shira Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-08 06:43 PM
Original message
In Gaza, tunnel vision staves off starvation
Edited on Sun Dec-14-08 06:45 PM by shira

But although conditions in Gaza are far from ideal, many Gazans are able to get by on what the tunnels provide.

Controlled by Hamas, which takes a percentage, the tunnels tend to specialize. The earliest were used to bring in weapons; more recently they get around Israel's siege of Gaza. Some bring in meat - last week, entire flocks of sheep and goats made their way through tunnels in advance of the just-concluded Eid al Adha feast - others carry gasoline, propane tanks, generators, diapers, even motorcycles.

Prior to Israel's complete closing of border crossings on Nov. 4, the tunnels accounted for an estimated 35 per cent of Gaza's goods. Today they are responsible for a much higher percentage and are a big reason why Gazans aren't starving.

In fact, coupled with a large surplus of fruit and vegetables intended for markets in Israel, the vast majority of people here aren't wanting for food. Reports that as many as 50 per cent of children are suffering from malnutrition are exaggerations, says Khaled Abdel Shaafi, director the United Nations Development Program. "This is not a humanitarian crisis," he said. "It's an economic crisis, a political crisis, but it's not a humanitarian crisis. People aren't starving."

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Alamuti Lotus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-08 08:45 PM
Response to Original message
1. hm
Edited on Sun Dec-14-08 08:46 PM by Alamuti Lotus
That's odd -- the other day, Team Z was telling me that they're only smuggling bombs through those tunnels, not 'real' supplies. I realize that facts often fly in the face of a good soundbyte, and that pseudo-official party lines must be able to twist on a whim, but which is it?
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pelsar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-08 11:30 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. your not up to date....
Edited on Mon Dec-15-08 12:01 AM by pelsar
for those who have basic knowledge of the tunnels......its been know for years that the smuggling consists of more than guns....just have to read a bit and depend less on those who themselves arent "up to date"
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pelsar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-08 11:30 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. double post n/t
Edited on Sun Dec-14-08 11:30 PM by pelsar
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shira Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 08:01 PM
Response to Original message
4. so....
..the director of the UN development program says there's no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, no starvation.

How about that?

So why are clowns writing up opinion columns about starving skeletons eating grass?

WTF has the UN been balking about the past month? Do they do it out of hate or ignorance? Is there another option?

Are we done here accusing Israel of starving the masses?

Can some of us admit Israel was right all along when they said they will not allow for a humanitarian crisis to occur?

How many MORE times will the wild-eyed Israel accusers fall for more crap like this and keep demonizing and defaming?
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azurnoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 03:44 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. you were going semi good until
Edited on Tue Dec-16-08 04:00 AM by azurnoir
Can some of us admit Israel was right all along when they said they will not allow for a humanitarian crisis to occur?

You see if as you claim the food and flocks of sheep are coming though tunnels from Egypt Israel had nothing to with it, Israel in fact failed in its mission

Oh and Mr Shaafi or more properly Mr Shafi did you know he is the son of a wealthy Gaza family and in fact his father Abdel Shafi was a PA leader in Gaza? One who was in fact presented with a medal of honor by Abbas?

On April 8, 2007 he was presented with the Palestinian Star of Honor by President Mahmoud Abbas largely for his role as founding member and President of the Palestinian National Initiative.

More on Khaled Shafi seems he has interests besides his UN post

GAZA CITY–For the benefit of those who might wonder whether mainstream journalism serves any worthwhile social purpose, let us consider the .

If it weren't for journalists, this haven of calm, comfort and Palestinian charm would almost certainly have closed its whitewashed wooden doors some time ago.

"People think Gaza is a pile of rubble, garbage, poverty," says Khaled Abdul Shafi, the hotel's co-owner. "When they come here, they are surprised to find such a place."

By day, the hotel's broad seafront terrace basks in sunshine as the waves chuckle and whisper below.

After dark, the terrace becomes an al-fresco nightclub, the most popular nocturnal gathering spot in Gaza City, its tables crammed with people of all ages and both sexes, most of them dressed to impress.

Seems that the hotel is defendant on journalists and Ramadan travelers, just who was Hamas blocking?

Interesting I could find no trace of your story when searched with the proper spelling of the name and no official UN posting or other mentioning Mr Shaafi just repeats of your story from various sources saying that Mr Shaafi was on or head of a UN council, not to mention the council he heads for the UN is one concerned with business development not humanitarian aid or refugees, I must wonder how much time Mr Shafi spends hanging around refugee camps to be so knowledgeable.

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shira Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 06:31 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. um, what?
Edited on Tue Dec-16-08 06:43 AM by shira
1. What "mission" did Israel fail since goods DEFINITELY are going through the hundreds of tunnels from Egypt? Israel claims they will not allow a humanitarian crisis to occur. It's not occuring. Gaza is self-sufficient enough to get its own food. Food isn't a problem. Neither is an endless supply of narcotics:

Remember the joke about Gazans needing medical supplies too? Ships needing to break that siege to get them medical supplies? They get so much narcotic pain killers, it's cheaper than getting them anywhere on the internet!

2. You don't trust Kaled Abdul Shafi? The photos? The medical supplies getting in? The widescreen TV's, cell phones, furniture, livestock? They get EVERYTHING they want through the tunnels. You remember this one?

The Tunnel Kings of Gaza,1518,587114,00.html

"Or that anything can be brought into Gaza this way if there's a market for it -- dissembled motorbikes, Viagra, perfume. Around 20 pipelines have been laid, and diesel and gasoline are pumped into Gaza through them. Even brides have been known to crawl through the tunnels to their weddings."

They bring in Viagra and dissembled motorbikes. Boy, just like the Warsaw Ghetto, huh? Because there's a MARKET for it. Of course, there must not be a market for essentials like FOOD, right?

And you still think people are eating grass? Hell, they must be eating Viagra, widescreen TV's, and motorbikes too, since they're apparently too DUMB to bring in FOOD!

You probably still believe there's no big problem regarding all the fake power-outage photos of Gazans with candles during daylight hours, because depite the bullshit, there "must" be a problem regardless!

Oh yeah, that was shot down too when it was learned Saudi Arabia was getting it to them via Egypt. The tunnels are needed for more "essential" things like Viagra. And 20 pipelines for gas/fuel that Gaza is allegedly not getting through Israel so they have power failures, even though they get SO MUCH gas through the pipelines, it's CHEAPER getting it that way than through Israel! Maybe that's why they shoot at the crossings! "Keep your f-cking gas, Israel, we get it cheaper through Gaza"!

What a joke.

I guess some people 'NEED' to believe there is starvation and a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. No crisis when it comes to Viagra and narcotics, motorbikes or widescreen TV's and cell phones, gas/fuel, but a crisis getting food in. :sarcasm:

Oh yeah, remember that crock of shit about Gazans fueling up with cooking oil? With 20 pipelines going from Egypt to Gaza, that's SO necessary isn't it? How WILL they power the stations for energy? Gee.

And you dont trust this PA guy from the UN about there being no crisis? Why do you believe the PA when they are pointing the finger at Israel and not Hamas?
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azurnoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 10:26 AM
Response to Reply #6
8. You really think its funny ?
first off

"Or that anything can be brought into Gaza this way if there's a market for it -- dissembled motorbikes, Viagra, perfume. Around 20 pipelines have been laid, and diesel and gasoline are pumped into Gaza through them. Even brides have been known to crawl through the tunnels to their weddings."

another headline

Egypt discovers 20 tunnels, oil pipeline to Gaza

Hmmm perhaps the Putz that wrote the Der Spiegel article got confused

Oh yeah, that was shot down too when it was learned Saudi Arabia was getting it to them via Egypt. The tunnels are needed for more "essential" things like Viagra. And 20 pipelines for gas/fuel that Gaza is allegedly not getting through Israel so they have power failures, even though they get SO MUCH gas through the pipelines, it's CHEAPER getting it that way than through Israel! Maybe that's why they shoot at the crossings! "Keep your f-cking gas, Israel, we get it cheaper through Gaza"!

sounds a bit wild eyed to me

and then this

I guess some people 'NEED' to believe there is starvation and a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. No crisis when it comes to Viagra and narcotics, motorbikes or widescreen TV's and cell phones, gas/fuel, but a crisis getting food in.

I am soo glad you brought that up the starvation angle you see I corrected someone on that quite recently there is no actual starvation and/or famine in Gaza. As to the rest of your quote what no cigarettes and beer, really though I have read about there being a prescription drug problem in Gaza mostly concerning opiate pain killers, but geez where would such drugs be more widely available Israel or Egypt? I would say Israel, which is why I am suspicious as to the purpose of the tunnels between Israel and Gaza being for killing Israelis,

and finally

And you dont trust this PA guy from the UN about there being no crisis? Why do you believe the PA when they are pointing the finger at Israel and not Hamas?

No it is not solely that I do not trust Mr Shafi or Shaafi as you prefer because he is PA but more because he does not handle the aid portion of the UN's mission in Gaza that is UNWRA he is UNDP he handles the economic developement of Gaza not the refugee situation and in case you forgot it is the refugees who are mainly being affected by the Israeli blockade. You speak of Mr Shafi as though he were the offical UN spokesman on this subject however he is not. There are 1.5 million people in Gaza about half of which are suffering do the the blockade that leaves another 750,000 who are not as deeply affected or in the case of the wealthy not affected at all. As to the last bit it seems to me last I heard that the PA is currently involved in negotiations with Israel and has been soundly rejected by Hamas if fact the relationship between Israel and the PA is more friendly than the relationship between the PA and Hamas, not to mention according to recent headlines Hamas is not extending the cease fire with Israel.

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shira Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 08:14 PM
Response to Reply #8
10. what's funny is that some people keep falling for the same propaganda despite contrary evidence
Hmmm perhaps the Putz that wrote the Der Spiegel article got confused missed this in the article you cited:

So far, Egypt has not responded to the Israeli-U.S. offer to enhance the Gaza wall. Officials said the regime of President Hosni Mubarak does not want any direct Israeli involvement in the border project.

Kinda hard to control the border when Egypt doesn't want to comply, isn't it? Amazing that Israel hasn't bombed the shit outta Egypt for not acquiescing to zionist demands, huh? That Israel Lobby sure is useless, huh?

sounds a bit wild eyed to me

I edited that post like 4-5 times, so it came out choppy. The point is, Gaza is getting any and every thing it wants. Except in some people's view, they're not getting food. Viagra and narcotics, no problem. Gas/fuel? Sure. Motorbikes and widescreen TV's. Check. But no food. And you believe it. Worse, you want the rest of us to believe it.

As to your guess about Israel supplying narcotics through tunnels into Gaza, do you have the slightest bit of evidence proving that? You see, when I state there's no humanitarian/starvation crisis in Gaza, I bring evidence. Your turn, okay?

As to the source, Mr. Shafi, he's actually in Gaza and a representative of the UN development program. He is very clear that there is no humanitarian crisis. Even if you agree there is no starvation, do you at least agree there is no humanitarian crisis? Based on the tunnel activity, passage through Egypt already (Saudi Arabia), some photos to the contrary, fake power outage photos, etc...why would you have serious doubts about Mr. Shafi? It's not as though there hasn't been enough propaganda proven to be false issued by Hamas/PA.

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Vegasaurus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 08:26 PM
Response to Reply #10
11. You have to wonder
why people don't see how odd it is that the Gazans can smuggle in viagra, but are "starving".

Or why they were able to bring in the motorcycles and electronics when they broke into Egypt, while crying about their "seige".

Starving people LOOK starving, like the children in Africa, who are eating dirt pies, not riding ferris wheels and motorbikes.

And if there is money to smuggle in these 'extras' there is clearly money for food.

It's really quite simple.
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azurnoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 08:35 PM
Response to Reply #10
12. Oops again
Mr Shafi is heading UN business and economic development you keep trying to ignore that part and the humanitarian crisis is mainly in the refugee camps the UN reps there have a different story but you would rather believe a guy who's expertise is in a different area entirely and there is no mention of his visiting camps to see for himself what is going on bur whatever propaganda your trying to promote be my guest. Your evidence a couple of smallish newspapers and a bunch of blogs that parrot the same story with the same misspelling of the name. I will be watching for a follow up on the story if there is any that is.
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shira Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-17-08 06:01 AM
Response to Reply #12
13. again
how does Hamas manage to get virtually ANYTHING into Gaza, from Viagra to widescreen TV's and all kinds of weapons, but not food? Where is the Hamas responsibility for feeding all the refugees? Do they even have any responsibility for getting food to refugees when it's clearly possible for them to get anything else they want through the tunnels?
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azurnoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-17-08 11:44 AM
Response to Reply #13
15. You start out in the OP
with there is no humanitarian crisis in because they are getting food in, now it back to wide screen TV's and Viagra, Why do you refuse to understand that amongst the population of 1.5 million in Gaza there is great social and economic variance, put simply the rich and the poor and those in between. Hamas does not own or operate the tunnels they supposedly tax them, claims as to how much they get out that vary greatly. However for those that can afford to buy the smuggled food there is food those that can not and are dependent on UN aid for food are going hungry. What part of that do you not understand?

Before you go on about how Hamas does not take care of it's people you do realize there is about a 20% poverty rate in Israel? With a rate that high I would imagine there is some hunger and malnutrition there too albeit not to the same degree as in Gaza, the same goes for the US there is growing poverty and hunger here too and along with that malnutrition why are both governments allowing this to happen, why don;t they take of their people?
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Vegasaurus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-17-08 12:41 PM
Response to Reply #15
16. Israel is not trying to annihilate another nation
It does not teach hate to its children, or encourage them to kill themselves and have their families celebrated for their "martyr" children.

Hamas is a terrorist organization, masquerading as a government.

Its people are suffering because bombs and terrorism is more important than humanitarian aid and food.

Why else would they continually try to blow up the very crossings providing their food, or the electrical plants providing their electricity?

It's pretty insane that a government would act with such wanton lack of care for its citizens.
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ProgressiveMuslim Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 08:59 AM
Response to Original message
7. So if all is so great in Gaza, why is the press barred?
Let's open it up and let the world see for itself what is going on.

Did you read the title of what you posted? The tunnels stave off starvation? Do you realize the hairs you are splitting with this post?

This siege on the civilians of Gaza is truly a point of pride, huh, Shira? Israel's shining moment.

As the ACT-UP activists used to change: SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!

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shira Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 07:55 PM
Response to Reply #7
9. they're not anymore
Let's open it up and let the world see for itself what is going on.

Israel has been letting the press in the past few weeks. The PA/Gaza press has been there all along. There are at least a half-dozen PA newspapers anyone can access online. It's not as though there's a news blackout.

Did you read the title of what you posted? The tunnels stave off starvation? Do you realize the hairs you are splitting with this post?

Do you realize the UN representative said there is no starvation and no humanitarian crisis in Gaza? Do you think he's full of it?

This siege on the civilians of Gaza is truly a point of pride, huh, Shira? Israel's shining moment.

Pride? Shining moment? Oh right, you prob. think Hamas should rocket/mortar Israel as much as it likes with zero consequences. No military answer. No siege, along with Egypt in case you forgot. Just pretend as though Hamastan is tossing flowers over the border into Israel?

As the ACT-UP activists used to change: SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!

Do you believe Israel's siege would exist even if Hamas started out 3 years ago as an organization dedicated to peace? You think Israel wants to impose a siege for no good reason?

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ProgressiveMuslim Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-17-08 06:56 AM
Response to Reply #9
14. I think the gov'ts of Israel will do what is necessary to avoid
Edited on Wed Dec-17-08 06:56 AM by ProgressiveMuslim
making concessions on the land and resources it desires, and will work to undermine peace in any way necessary...

The goal is not to cause suffering, but clearly, if suffering results from the pursuit of the goal, the vast number of Israelis have no real problem with that.

As for the Israeli governments' real intentions, here is one of my favorite articles on the sham:
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