I found this very interesting. Still don't know why they have to put restrictions..but it would allay the fears of many Jewish Israelis.
Admin, I don't believe there's a copyright on this. If there is, please edit. Thanks.
The undersigned support a one-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This state would be under the aegis of Israel, with a Jewish Prime Minister and majority in Knesset guaranteed, and with full rights and protections under the law guaranteed for all citizens, Jewish or non-Jewish.
This resolution is based on the following Biblical principles:
• The Jewish people have an eternal and irrevocable covenant with God through Abraham (Gen 17:1–21).
• Oversight of the land of Israel—God's land—to all of its borders, has been promised by God to only one people, the Jewish people, by an irrevocable but conditional covenant detailed in the Mosaic law (Lev 26).
• Along with the continued control of the land of Israel is the mandate that its rulers convey fair and just treatment and protection to all people, both Jews and non-Jews, who live under their jurisdiction (Deut 10:19; Lev 19:33-34; Exod 22:22; Mal 3:5). The land was to be divided into separate tribes under a central government, each with their own identity and authority, with the non-Israelites enjoying a well-defined, land-based inheritance within the borders of the tribes, and being treated as the rest of the citizens (Ezek 47:21–23).
• Both Jews and non-Jews must acknowledge and abide by the laws of the Land (Num 15:15-16, 29-31).
• The Biblical principles of peace, justice, respect for others, and love must be taught as governing principles for those living in greater Israel (Micah 6:8).
• Both Jews and non-Jews will experience God's blessing as they work together according to Biblical principles to live in peace under Israeli sovereignty (Lev 26).
This resolution is equally and correspondingly based on the following humanitarian principles:
• The world recognizes the distinctive nature of the Jewish people.
• The League of Nations in 1917 and the United Nations in 1948 encouraged the establishment of the autonomous Jewish state of Israel in order to protect and provide for the continued existence of the Jewish people within secure borders.
• Israel must draft a constitution that the Government of the State must remain Jewish at its core. This can be implemented by setting a ceiling on the number of seats in the main Israeli parliament to be occupied by non-Jewish members. In order to tend to the needs of the overall population a bicameral legislature could be created similar to that of western democracies. In which case a second house of legislature would stand to represent the various regional, tribal and religious divisions within the nation (similar to representation by territories, states, counties and districts in other democracies).
• The autonomous state of Israel must deal justly with both Jews and non-Jews living under its aegis, providing equal rights for all and protection under the law. Regionally administered areas (like counties and states within a union) will have wide ranging authority to legislate on local issues but must remain within the guidelines of the central (or "federal") government.
• All those living under Israel's rule, Jew and non-Jew alike, must abide by those laws. Those unwilling to live under the government of a Jewish State will be provided with the choice to either leave or be prosecuted under Israeli law.
• An intensive educational program to curb ethnic prejudice and to promote healing, peace, mutual respect and understanding among the various ethnic and religious groups throughout Israel must be implemented.
• A "Marshall Plan" plan must be instituted to rebuild the property and economy throughout the land, taking into account the needs and losses of all of the people throughout the land as one nation. As a result, Jews, Moslems and Christians will be able to live in Israel and share its resources, in cooperation and dignity, and be allowed to draw from it sustenance both severally and as a united people under the law.
International Coalition for a One State Solution
"One Nation, Unified to Serve as a Light to all Nations"Letters:Letter to President BushLetter to PM Ariel SharonSnippet from Letter to PM Ariel Sharon:The following letter is based upon Biblical principles and parallel humanitarian concerns:
Dear Prime Minister Sharon,
There is a viable solution for peace between Israel and the Palestinians. It is not found in the two-state solution, which has proven itself unworkable for reasons delineated herein. We are not critics without an alternative. There is a plan that will work – a One-State Solution under Jewish sovereignty. Sources in the Palestinian community indicate that 60-90% of the Palestinians would accept the plan. It has been written for 4,000 years in the Bible as God’s plan for Israel’s coexistence with non-Jewish neighbors. The world has clamored for a man-made, two-state plan that will not work. Now, there must be a change in this approach. World leaders need to make a bold step, endorsing a new approach that can bring a just and lasting peace to all parties. God has already blessed it, so it is destined to succeed. Read on to understand a viable "road map" that actually arrives at a desired destination for all.
In May of 1948, a major miracle of God was manifested on earth with the creation of the State of Israel. For the first time in two thousand years the Jewish people were awarded sovereign control of the land Divinely appointed to be His own, and given to the people chosen by Him to be caretakers of His property. It is a small, humble piece of real estate that God has chosen from all of the earth to be the sole portion which He would designate for Himself. He chose a small, pastoral people, seemingly insignificant among the great powers of the earth, to be the sole caretakers of the Land of His choosing.
Although this Land holds a sacred place in the beliefs of the three monotheistic faiths, yet God chose only one people to inherit this land as an eternal possession. With only one people did God make a covenant as a binding contract to ensure the proper care of this land and its inhabitants as He Himself would care for them. According to that covenant, the people of Israel would be blessed in the land and live off the bountiful produce of the land as an eternal inheritance, if they would only remain faithful to the terms of that covenant.
Also see various documents of interest:Various Documents of InterestThis includes:
•The Israeli Declaration of Independence
•Draft of the Israeli Constitution
•Laws Concerning the Protection of Holy Places in Israel
•Rights According to the Israeli Declaration of Independence
•Biblical Injunctions Concerning the Rights of a Stranger
•Excerpts from the Palestinian Draft Constitution