Do we really have to have a rule in this forum where every article posted has to be featured from a "news" story? Most of these are just opinion pieces anyway, thoroughly reflecting the thoughts and opinions of the DUer who links to it and snips out the relevant bits of info to support their belief.
I'm sure the idea was not to have a "Israel sucks" "Palestine sucks" sort of back-and-forth in every other thread in this forum, but that's basically what this forum is anyway.
Now there's a major story happening right now, probably the most important non-economic story in the world, and we can't just post our opinions on it before we have to dig around for some supporting "article" written by someone from www.zionisthatingtennisplayerswhokindasortahavetheirownwebsiteandwanttoexpresstheiropions.com
I just think it's an exercise in futility, since everything below the initial "story" that's posted generates the same opinions anyway, we might as well just express them at the top of the thread.
If it's a well-thought-out opinion, I don't see why it can't be expressed in its own post, free from the attachment of a previously-published article.
Sorry if it was inappropriate to do this, but I really wanted to say this. I love this site, I've been here for pretty much its entire duration. I just think if there's ever a time to open up this forum for comments, its now.
Thank you.
ps - again, sorry for the inappropriateness.