interesting proceedings and dialogue going on in this court ... I doubt this is at all being reported to American audiences, so I appreciate the service EI provides. Today, the cross-examination of Shimri Tzameret, Adam Maor, and Noam Bahat was scheduled, the other two - Chaggai Matar and Matan Kaminer had theirs already in September. The prosecutor, Captain Yaron Costelitz, had managed to prepare himself by obtaining a considerable number of leaflets and press releases by the various refuser movements, as well as the full text of Shimri's "prison blog", new installments of which appear every week on the Israeli Walla news website, trying to rattle the young COs with a flood of quotations. "So you think the war is not really necessary, do you? That the government could have ended it easily enough by just withdrawing? So you know better than all the generals, and all the decisionmakers, on the basis of the enormous experience and knowledge you gathered in your 19 years of life?"
The youngsters stood their ground. "I did not take the decision to refuse in one day. I pondered for years what I was going to do. I read a lot of material and spoke with many people and had sleepless nights of thinking and debating with myself. I came to the conclusion that the army's acts in the Occupied Territories are flagrantly immoral and violating international law", said Shimri Tzameret. "Violating international law? We seem to have here an eminent jurist, also! Don't you know that the Supreme Court ruled all these actions to be justified and necessary for saving lives?" "That is not true; in some cases the Supreme Court forbade things which were being done for years. For example the torture of Palestinian prisoners."
"But if the Supreme Court rules that your refusal is totally illegal, would you persist in it? Would you undermine the rule of law that much?" "You are an observant Jew. Would you obey the Supreme Court if it ruled that you must eat ham?"