Just because you are paranoid it doesn't prove that they are not out to get you. Paranoid, to be sure, was Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's allegation that the "Jews rule this world by proxy" on October 16. Whether Dr Mahathir himself is paranoid, or whether he adapted his words to the paranoia of his audience makes little difference. Through the twisted prism of paranoia, the facts on the ground do indeed suggest that the Jews rule the world.
Mahathir, to be sure, has deplored the violent responses of some in the Islamic world, which merely repels potential friends. Yet he has done just as much damage to the image of Islam in the West. Merely by being himself, he contributed to the deep sense of unease that Americans have concerning the character of the Islamic world.
Great understanding among cultures does not always make things better. Sometimes it makes things worse. Adolf Eichmann, it should be recalled, studied Hebrew with a Berlin rabbi, the better to understand the Jews he wished to exterminate. The leaders of the Islamic terrorist organizations are not throwbacks to the 10th century, but Western-educated science students.
In his own paranoid fashion, Mahathir has advanced the cause of mutual understanding between the Islamic world and America. Mahathir has made clear that the Jews do, indeed, rule the world, at least in the sense that he and his compatriots understand the words "to rule". And he has made clear to Americans that the filter through which the Islamic world views America is a form of paranoia that cannot quickly be cured.