Peres spoke of the Saudi Peace Initiative as marking a "serious U-turn" in relations between Israel and other countries in the region.
He continued, "Israel wasn't a partner to the wording of their initiative. Therefore it doesn't have to agree to every word. Well, nevertheless, Israel respects the profound change. Israel hopes it will be translated in real action, the sooner the better.
"Dear friends, let me make it clear. We trust the leadership of President Obama. We trust he may make a way to open both a regional agreement and meaningful bilateral negotiations. It can be done, both, together, right away. It is a real change in the situation..."
Wise to keep in mind that Peres, who went on to rhapsodize that "peace is not necessarily the result of detailed negotiations with many lawyers --my god --with many map designers, my god. I know that peace bears from the soil, like a geyser. It is beautiful to behold. It is impossible to contain," was a prime architect of the unsuccessful Oslo Peace Accords.