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Egypt blocks US activists' march

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ProgressiveMuslim Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-29-09 12:34 PM
Original message
Egypt blocks US activists' march

Gaza Freedom Marchers are campaigning against the siege raised on the Palestinian territory

Egyptian security forces have attempted to prevent dozens of US activists from reaching their embassy in Cairo.

Hoping to ask the American ambassador for help in reaching the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, some 41 American citizens instead found themselves surrounded by riot police.

All those rounded up were members of the Gaza Freedom Marchers organisation, a group planning to travel to Gaza to protest an Egyptian and Israeli blockade of the besieged territory.

However, one activist, Ali Abunimah, a co-founder of The Electronic Intifada website, told Al Jazeera that the US embassy did eventually allow US citizens to enter their embassy in groups of ten.

"We met with a political rep. in the embassy, Greg Legrefo, and talked about the dire situation in Gaza and international complicity for more than hour .... but the bottom line is the US supports the siege of Gaza.

"The US Army Corps of Engineers is even providing technical assistance to build an underground wall ."


An impromptu demonstration, reported on the Twitter micro-blogging service, began as soon as police prevented the groups progess on a side street near the embassy, keeping them there for hours.

"We believe the US Embassy asked Egyptian State Security to act against its own citizens and prevent them from entering the Embassy," Gael Murphy, one of the activists, said.

read on...
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-29-09 12:40 PM
Response to Original message
1. Excellent segment on Amy's show today w/ interviews of Ann Wright,
Rae from Code Pink, Hedy Epstein, the South African delegation.

Audio & video at link. No transcript yet.
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ProgressiveMuslim Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-29-09 01:32 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thanks for the link!
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-29-09 05:50 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Makes me very happy to see the people of Gaza getting international support.
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ProgressiveMuslim Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-30-09 07:31 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. Me too, especially since my in-laws live in Khan Younis! nt
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-30-09 03:09 PM
Response to Reply #4
8. Where is that? I saw images of all the destroyed homes today
and it was just painful. I don't know place names in Gaza. I hope your family is all right.
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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-30-09 03:45 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. BBC Map:
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-30-09 03:52 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. Thank you, bemildred. n/t
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ProgressiveMuslim Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-30-09 05:54 PM
Response to Reply #9
14. All 14 miles of it ;)
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-30-09 08:52 AM
Response to Original message
5. Here is a report from my sisters in Code Pink who were in Cairo.
Apparently, they petitioned Mrs. Mubarack to intercede for the marchers:

December 29, 2009

No Stone Unturned
by Jodie Evans

Before leaving the states, CODEPINK reached out to Mrs. Mubarak, wife of Egyptian premiere Hosni Mubarak about the Gaza Freedom March, and the government's denial of our passage to Gaza. She had interceded on our behalf when we were having the same experience with the Egyptian Government in March, when they refused to let our buses take us to Al Arish, as they did this morning at 7 a.m. In March, we were all able to enter and deliver the thousands of pink baskets of aid to the women of Gaza for International Women's Day.

This morning, I went to Mrs. Mubarak's offices at the Women's International Peace Movement to ask for her help again in opening the border of Gaza for our delegation. Her program manager was quite helpful and delivered a copy of the email thousands had been sending all weekend from the states, translated into Arabic.

Just hours later, an assistant from the office of the First Lady called, and said Mrs. Mubarak wanted to help us: Could I describe what we were taking and what we needed? I told her we needed the 1,300 to be allowed to enter Gaza and deliver the aid we had brought from thousands more who cared deeply for the situation the Gazans are suffering under.

An hour later, the head of the Red Crescent (of which she is Chair) called and said he had been instructed to help us in any way he could. He would send a car for me at 11 a.m. and we would go over all the details of who was with us and what they were bringing. Mrs. Mubarak would take the information to the Foreign Ministry. This call came as we finished stringing the hundreds of prayer flags that came from around the world to be included in our visuals at the vigil.
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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-30-09 10:36 AM
Response to Original message
6. Egypt allows 100 protesters to enter Gaza
JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Egypt has allowed one hundred protesters from around the world to enter the Gaza Strip for a solidarity march with Palestinian residents.

Another 1,200 activists from more than 40 countries participating in the Gaza Freedom March remained in Cairo Wednesday.

"Two buses with 100 delegates on board left this morning for Gaza," Ann Wright, an organizer of the Gaza Freedom March, told AFP Wednesday. The buses were set to enter Gaza through the Rafah border crossing, the only entry point into Gaza that does not require going through Israeli territory.

The protesters were scheduled to join Palestinians in Gaza and march from northern Gaza to the Erez Crossing on the Israeli border on Dec. 31. The march, which coincides with the anniversary of Israel's Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, was organized to protest Israel's blockade of the coastal strip.
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ProgressiveMuslim Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-30-09 05:25 PM
Response to Reply #6
11. Apparently, this decision was really fraught. Phil Weiss has great reporting on what went down:
The movement meets Cairo, with tears and chaos and exaltation

Today the Gaza Freedom March fragmented slightly when in the face of stern opposition from their fellows about 80 people headed off to Gaza on buses, the rest staying in Cairo.

But wait, weren’t you trying to go to Gaza? Yes, but it has been quite a drama. How to state this clearly…

Over the last week, as the international marchers arrived in Egypt, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry made it very clear that it did not want them going into Gaza, and it would arrest them short of that goal. But these 1400 are not tourists or milquetoasts, they are activists; and they were not going to be stopped by any old Ministry, even the ministry of a police state. Many set out by bus and taxi to the Sinai desert, while the 300 members of the French group camped out in front of the French Embassy across from the Cairo Zoo, demanding to go even as they were ringed by riot police.

After hunger strikes and demos and international press, and supposedly too the intervention of the president’s clement wife Suzanne Mubarak, the Egyptians relented yesterday and said, Well 100 of you can go in, two busfuls. I heard about this first as a rumor last night at an Egyptian-led rally at the Journalists Syndicate building in opposition to Bibi Netanyahu’s visit to Hosni Mubarak (Down Down Hosni Mubarak!), and already many of us were wondering, who would get the call? Code Pink, the antiwar group that has led the organizing, claimed victory and sent out a bulletin to delegations to select the two or three members who could go. Some delegations duly nominated representatives. But the decision set off an angry and wrenching round of all-night meetings, some of them in hotel stairwells, with many coming out against the deal. Even the Gaza Freedom March steering committee voted against the slice of bread that was being offered, instead of the whole loaf.

Then, I gather, the Egyptians made the deal even more problematic by issuing a statement saying that the 100 peaceful people were being allowed to go to Gaza, implying that the rest of us were hooligans.

Still Code Pink went forward with its plan, and at 6:30 this morning the lucky few gathered on a sidewalk on Ramses Street near the bus station. Over the next 4 hours I witnessed agony and torment, and said a secret blessing that I had not tried to get on the buses last night. A crowd of those opposed to the 100 stood outside barricades set up around the buses and shouted "All or none!" and "Get off the Bus!" It turned out that they had many confederates among the 100 who boarded the buses– confederates who at a signal marched off the buses, some giving heroic speeches.

The people staying on the buses leaned out the doors to say that the Gazans wanted them to come so as to to join their march to the Israeli border on the 31st. But they wavered. Indeed, you saw some of the most resolute activists on the planet—Bernardine Dohrn, the law professor and former member of the Weather Underground; Ali Abunimah of Electronic Intifada; and Donna Mulhearn, an Australian woman who was a human shield during the beginning of he Iraq war, board the bus and get it off it, and then board it again and get off it, and on and on.

Abunimah, who had been roughed up by security at the American Embassy yesterday, told me it was the hardest decision he’d ever had to make. It was an individual decision, he had no clarity on it, and no one could tell you what to do, and he respected the decisions of all parties. Mulhearn said that going to Iraq in 2003 had been easy compared to this; for that choice was in the face of physical danger and she would take that any day, this was in the face of moral doubt. As for the Egyptian statement that only hooligans were staying behind in Cairo, she said it was a lie, she would say so on her blog, and the people who were against anyone going on that basis were giving the Egyptian security state power. Dohrn said that the principle of "All or none" was a miserable one for activist politics. You always took what you could get and kept fighting for more. A European man in a red keffiyeh screamed at her that she was serving the fascisti. Her partner Bill Ayers gently confronted him and asked him why he was so out of control. Between getting on and off the bus, Dohrn, who wore a flower in her hair and a chic jacket that showed a bit of the tattoo on her upper chest, said that she didn’t like the absolutist certainty of the people on the other side of the police barricades, and having been in the Weather Underground, she knew something about absolutist feeling.

In the end Dohrn and Abunimah got off the bus. Mulhearn stayed on, I heard. A big reason for them was a call that Abunimah had with leaders of civil society in Gaza, who said, if this is going to hurt the movement, don’t come. We will march without you. Abunimah abided by that call (and later told me he had no regrets, he was clear now). I saw other friends sitting on the sidewalk crying, as they tried to figure out what to do.

No one had slept. Many were smoking (when in Rome; everyone in Cairo smokes).

The argument for the majority went like this: We have come a long way with the support of an international community. We have come to march in Gaza to lift the siege against the people there. Many of us are walking our talk here, by confronting the Egyptian power at the French Embassy. Now we are giving into the siege by accepting a piecemeal offering, when the core principle here is inarguable: the people of Gaza must have freedom of movement, freedom to come and go. We will show our power and solidarity with the people of Gaza not by acceding to the terms of a police state that is working with the U.S. and Israel, but by demanding our rights as a bloc here in Cairo. And by doing so, we will dramatize the Palestinian condition and serve the most important element of the struggle: activating an international movement.

I could see the other side, too. There is nothing like an actual trip to Gaza to politicize people, and having had that experience myself, I had urged some young people to have it. But I can see that I am a lousy movement person, and that the overall sense of the movement was clear and emphatic. We will work from Cairo to gain publicity for Palestinian oppression. Big deal we’re not in Gaza, it’s like being in Birmingham when the big march is going down in Selma.

By the way, the South African contingent, many of them veterans of the anti-apartheid struggle, were no-doubters on the question: we stay in Cairo.

I can see both sides, but it was a convulsive experience. People turned on one another, the Code Pink leadership was accused of being all hat and no saddle. Young people I saw last night walking around biting their lips in the hope that they might be chosen to get a seat on the bus were today enraged and vituperative at the idea that anyone was getting on the bus—a transformation out of As You Like It.

Yet I remind readers that good things are arising from this experience. The Americans, who are so conditioned to living with the Israel lobby, as an abused wife to her battering husband, are being exposed to a more adamant politics—we are having a rendezvous with the Freedom Riders. For another thing, our direct actions and demonstrations seem to be awaking Egypt, a little, and getting a lot of publicity. Helen Schiff told me that the front page of an official government newspaper today said, "Mubarak to Netanyahu: Lift the siege and end the suffering of the Palestinian people." We gave him that line! she said. A longtime civil rights activist, Helen told me it’s "fabulous" what happened, we are achieving more in Cairo than we would if we had gotten into Gaza.

So there’s a tumultuous and ascendant feeling here tonight, in the little hotels that we have to meet in to make our plans. I can feel the spirit of the Freedom Riders and of the abolitionists, who fought the limits on freedom of movement of black people for so long in my country. As for the divisions, and bitterness, I think they will go away. A European friend advised me tonight that those who take the Palestinian side will find that they share somewhat in the Palestinian experience. They will experience isolation, division, bitterness, failure, contempt, manipulation. Surely not on the scale of the Palestinians; still, they will experience some of those things, and they will grow from them.

Having weathered the storm, tomorrow this group has more action plans. I have to be quiet about them now, because I crunched into another stairwell tonight for a planning session. Still, it should be dramatic. The international street has come to the Arab street, and everyone is learning.
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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-30-09 05:47 PM
Response to Reply #11
12. Typical lefties, our strength is our weakness.
Always squabbling about strategy. I'm sort of wondering what is going to happen when Galloway and his group show up. I'll bet Hosni has got a terrible headache from all this.
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ProgressiveMuslim Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-30-09 05:53 PM
Response to Reply #12
13. I am thrilled by the energy, the passion and the intensity around this issue.
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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-30-09 06:15 PM
Response to Reply #13
15. Well, I have a feeling something is going on, and this is part of it.
It's not business as usual. I was surprised Hosni suddenly started compromising. Which means its working, having an effect, it forces him to be too public in supporting or undermining the Palestinians in Gaza. It sort of reminds me of the last time he decided to open the jail for a while.
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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-03-10 09:09 AM
Response to Reply #15
17. Egypt opens Gaza border crossing
Can I call them or what?

Egyptian authorities have temporarily opened the Rafah border crossing with the Gaza Strip, allowing those with permits to cross.

Authorities said that by early afternoon on Sunday around 133 people had crossed from Gaza into Egypt - mostly students with visas for foreign countries, and patients in need urgent of medical care.

Another 25 people crossed the other direction - largely those who live in Egypt with family in Gaza, or Palestinians who had been unable to return home due to the border closures.

Egypt had announced last week it would be opening Rafah - the only border crossing into Gaza not controlled by Israel - from January 3 to 6.
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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-30-09 10:37 AM
Response to Original message
7. Humanitarian convoy to leave for Gaza from Syria's Lattakia
DAMASCUS, Dec. 30 (Xinhua) -- The Viva Palestina humanitarian convoy, led by British lawmaker George Galloway, is set to leave Syria's Lattakia port Wednesday afternoon and head for the Egyptian harbor of El-Arish to enter the Gaza Strip, the official SANA news agency reported.

Galloway, founder of Viva Palestina Association, told a press conference held Tuesday evening that "the convoy is carrying humanitarian aid and medicines to the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip without any political objectives."

The international humanitarian aid convoy consists of around 250 vehicles, carrying humanitarian relief from Europe, Turkey and Arab countries, including food and medical equipment.

Spokesman for the convoy Zaher an-Birawi said the convoy faces the risk of interception by the Israeli authorities at sea, said the report.
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ProgressiveMuslim Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-31-09 11:02 AM
Response to Original message
16. Finally made the NY Times!
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pelsar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-03-10 10:07 AM
Response to Reply #16
18. about time....
you guys dont need start them exports and imports via israel that you dont need them, their games and all the other crap you've taken from us.....

a couple notes:
electricity is still dependant upon israel.....connect to the egyptian grid. via israeli desalination plants delivered to gaza/or piped'll need israeli spare parts good. Clean up the aquifers and get some other desalination plants there.....

gazans have fired aprox 500 missiles in to israel last year....1/4 of the previous years.....better, but still a stupid waste of limited resources.....
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shira Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-03-10 10:18 AM
Response to Reply #18
19. yay, happy times - freedom via Egypt! human rights and civil liberties for Gazans. oh wait.
Edited on Sun Jan-03-10 10:19 AM by shira
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pelsar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-03-10 10:44 AM
Response to Reply #19
20. its not about individual human rights....that should be clear with hamas in power.....
Edited on Sun Jan-03-10 11:41 AM by pelsar
it is about a political change in the region. Once Egypt opens the border, as the pressure increases (hopefully), little will probably change for the gazans in terms of human rights etc. The restrictions for their travel will remain very strict as it is for all Palestinians in the arab world, though perhaps their students will get out.

The importing/exporting will probably increase (good), .... the poverty level probably wont change much, but any starving gazans will have to look south for salvation.....

Its a good thing, a very very very good thing for egypt to be forced to open their changes the status quo, whether or not if it will be good for the avg gazan....well thats another story that probably wont get much write up.
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