"The European Parliament adopted during its Wednesday session a decision calling for implementing the recommendations of the Goldstone report on Gaza war, in preparation to present the resolution to the 13th session of the United Nations’ Human Rights Council which will be held in Geneva by the end of March.
The decision states that the E.U. has the responsibility to monitor the Israeli and Palestinian investigations of war crimes committed during the Israeli war on Gaza.
It urged Israel and Hamas to conduct independent investigations, and to ensure that the investigations are not biased.
The investigations, according to the decision, should be conducted within five months and should be based on international standards to ensure the prosecution of those responsible for war crimes committed during the war.
The decision also called for respecting the international law, and urged all parties to seek comprehensive and just peace in the Middle East.
It also voiced a sharp condemnation of the Israeli siege on Gaza and called on Israel to lift the siege immediately, and to open Gaza’s border terminals."
http://www.imemc.org/index.php?obj_id=53&story_id=58190Two IDF soldiers charged with using 9-year-old 'human shield' in Gaza war <
"The Israel Defense Forces prosecution on Thursday filed an indictment against two combat soldiers suspected of inappropriate conduct during Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip in 2008.
The soldiers, who served as staff sergeants in the Givati Brigade during Operation Cast Lead, allegedly forced a 9-year-old Palestinian boy to open a number of bags they thought might contain explosive materials. The bags turned out to be harmless.
The soldiers, who breached the army's rule against using civilians as human shields during war, will be tried for violating their authority and for inappropriate conduct. An Israeli military official said the soldiers could face up to three years in jail."
"The military said it opened the investigation after the incident was brought to its attention by the United Nations, but emphasised it was "completely unrelated" to a report issued by United Nations investigator Richard Goldstone."