last year. I believe his advice is still applicable today.
Time to Play Hardball
Why It's Useless to Lobby Congress on Gaza
The U.S.A. is reportedly a democracy. It just had an election so Congress candidates made some effort to take the public pulse. And there are the polls. The Rasmussen poll on Dec. 31 reported that only a bare plurality of Americans supported Israel’s all out war on Gaza. Less than 1/3 of the triumphant Democratic voters support the attack and Rasmussen reports only 55% of them consider Israel to be a U.S. ally at all.
Given this we would expect that when AIPAC told its attack dogs in Congress to sponsor the usual fawning resolution of support for Israel there would be heated debate and open opposition. But no, the spineless bottom feeders declared their “unwavering commitment to Israel” and to its “right to self-defense”. There was not a word about the siege, not a word about sewage flowing in the streets, not a word about the five sisters slaughtered while they slept, not a word about the bombing of the UN school, and not a mention of the children starving alongside the corpses of their parents.
The vote in the Senate was said to be unanimous. It was just a voice vote. No senator asked that the vote be recorded. In the House five voted, “No”. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), Gwen Moore (D-WI), Ron Paul ( R-TX), Nick Rahal (D-WVA), Maxine Waters (D-CA). 390 wretches voted “Yes” and 36 others voted ”Present” or “Not Voting”.
The election of Obama has not meant one iota of difference. Bush at his zenith didn’t get a stronger vote for Israel. One call from Obama to Pelosi or Reid and the resolution would have been shelved, but he didn’t lift a finger for the Palestinians. Instead he “monitored” the situation. Can we impeach him before he takes office?
Blessed by the new administration the Israeli Air Force Saturday dropped leaflets warning the Palestinian population to await heightened levels of war crimes.
When I think of all the millions of dollars that people wasted on “change” I want to vomit.
Peace groups, don’t tell me to write or call these unspeakable political lowlifes. Start thinking up ways to disrupt their lives and the lives and fortunes of all the self-satisfied racists who make life hell for Palestinians.
Some suggestions: