Assad: It's either peace or war
Syrian president tells Hebzollah's al-Manar television, 'We are in a temporary situation which will either end in war or in peace. There is no other choice apart from these two.' Israel, he says, is an enemy which only understands the language of force
Roee Nahmias Published: 03.25.10, 00:03 / Israel News Syrian President Bashar Assad told Hezbollah's al-Manar television station on Wednesday evening, "We are in a situation of neither war nor peace, and this is a temporary situation which will either end in peace or in war. There is no other choice apart from these two."
According to Assad, "We believe we are facing an enemy which only understands the language of force. We believe peace is not at arm's length for the region, but in any event there are many ways to reach the goals and they must not necessarily go through war."
He noted that "the Syrian army is developing itself", and warned that Damascus "will enter any war imposed on us."
According to the Syrian president, his country cannot remain neutral when it comes to the "resistance". He also stressed that Syria was interested in having good relations with Lebanon.,7340,L-3867850,00.html