A U.S. official speaking on background said that Rice was heavily involved in the formation of the panel and met or spoke with several senior Israeli officials about it in the past weeks, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, and Defense Minister Ehud Barak.
"The U.S. was in close communication with Israel throughout the process to make sure this ended up in what we felt and they felt was a constructive place and we believe this is a good outcome," the official said.
The Israeli public reaction was a positive one. Netanyahu released a statement saying, "Israel has nothing to hide. The opposite is true. It is in the national interest of the State of Israel to ensure that the factual truth of the overall flotilla events comes to light throughout the world and this is exactly the principle that we are advancing."
An Israeli official told The Cable that the panel was a compromise in the face of repeated calls for an international investigation coming from both the U.N. and some of the countries involved, including Turkey.
"It's not investigative. It's a panel. A fair and balanced panel that allows us to sort of live with it," the official said. Notably, this is the first time an Israeli will sit on a U.N. panel that is commenting on Israeli actions.
It seems pretty clear that The Israeli government wanted Uribe there, to give a "fair and balanced" range of views regarding atrocities committed by ruthless governments against those they regard as enemies.
An interesting recent development is the uncovering of mass graves in Colombia, further adding to the world's awareness of the utterly brutal and criminal nature of the Uribe government. If the headline to this Al Jazeera news report "Mass grave threatens Uribe's legacy" -
http://english.aljazeera.net/video/20108781742314518.html - is accurate and something that Uribe cares about, more than being a loyal servant to US Corporatist Expansionism, he might be less predictable than the US and Israel believed.
(edit slightly to clarify a point)