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The Uncircumised Israel Lobby (from Slate)

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shaayecanaan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-25-10 08:44 PM
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The Uncircumised Israel Lobby (from Slate)
'At a recent gathering of the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States, thousands join in Jewish/Israeli dancing and singing, cheerily wave Israeli flags, speak a fair amount of Hebrew, and express a great love for all Jews.

They also praise Jesus, baptize their children, and cite the New Testament, because they're evangelical Christians.

The potential impact of Christian Zionism in the coming years is hard to overstate. Christians United for Israel claims more than 400,000 members—and as the Jewish Telegraph Agency noted, that's just "the largest organization representing what are believed to be tens of millions conservative evangelical Christians who support Israel." At their annual gathering, you can take in utterly surreal scenes: Young, black Southern Baptist women join white, old Minnesota Lutheran church ladies in hora circles; high-on-life college boys don talises and blow shofars; Texan church choirs lead the crowd in singing Israeli folk songs in their original Hebrew. For a Jew like me, the experience is very, very weird: It's like any Jewish event of my youth, but in an alternate dimension. Everything's familiar, yet eerily different.'


'All of which begs the question: If they're not doing it for a right-wing agenda, a missionary agenda, or an apocalyptic agenda, just why are Christians uniting for Israel?

It's because they love Jews. When I went to cover 2008's CUFI Washington Summit, the first person I met shook my hand and told me she loved me for being a Jew. It's happened to me at least dozens of times since. Ask any cross-section of Christian Zionists why they support Israel, and most of the time the first line out of their mouths will be citing Genesis 12:3, in which God says to Abraham, "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse."'


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azurnoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-25-10 08:57 PM
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1. ah so it's not about politics or any agenda it's about love
what do these loving Christians say about the Rapture and the "Unsaved" being cast into hell or whatever?
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rpannier Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-25-10 09:24 PM
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2. Steven Weiss is a Knob
I read the article and I find it offensive that He considers these nutjobs to be better friends of Israel than 'left-wing' Jews because they have never once criticized anything Israel has done

A real friend tells you when you're f*cking up.
Someone who is using you doesn't
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JoDog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-26-10 07:34 AM
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3. The reason why
they "love" Jews and Israel is that they believe that all the Jews must be in the Holy Land for their savior to return. Press them, and they will acknowledge that they believe Jewish souls to be "unsaved" and that any Jews who do not convert before the final (probably nuclear) war in the Middle East will roast in hell after dying horribly on Earth.
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Ken Burch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-26-10 03:52 PM
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4. In the U.S, using "uncircumscised" as a euphemism for "Gentile" doesn't work
Most male infants in the U.S. are circumscised for health reasons, regardless of religion.

This may be the only country in the world that has circumscised neo-Nazis, for God's sake.
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Ken Burch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-10-10 05:21 PM
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5. shaayecanaan, check your pm's. I have a question for you.
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