Battling bigotry
Zionist group gets help for Jewish students
January 13, 2011|By James D. Davis, Sun Sentinel
Campus bigots in recent years have aimed rocks and spit at Jewish students. They've painted swastikas on dorms and told Jews to "burn in hell." They've brought in speakers who have called Jews "the new Nazis."
But Jewish students have a new weapon to strike back, thanks to efforts of the Zionist Organization of America. After a six-year campaign, the organization has persuaded the federal government to classify anti-Semitic harassment as a violation of civil rights, equal to racist acts.
"Now the students can tell administrators at schools about their legal obligation under U.S. law," ZOA president Morton Klein said in an interview in Boca Raton this week. "A legal obligation is more powerful than a moral one, unfortunately."
South Florida has seen campaigns by four of the most influential anti-Israel organizations, according to the Anti-Defamation League. The ADL says they often praise Hamas and Hezbollah, accuse Israel of controlling the media and call for the end of the Jewish state.