For instance, the smear merchants that use smear outside of persepective, paparatizi and gossip magazines, that are used to distort and hurt someone for a political motive. That is wrong.
Compare that to pictures of use of torture, like Abu Grabi. That is transparency to stop a wrong.
Torturing people with humilation, fear, and many other things needs to be stopped, and should be shown if it can not be stopped by a system that lets people know what there leaders are doing
to hurt many people outside of the legal justice system they say they supportShowing a picture of someone not hurting someone, in a private situation to humiliate them and remove them, is not the same as transparency of wrongs of society, that is the wrong of society, in the same way the torture camps are wrong.
There is a difference you have to be able to see.
Abu Grabi
Action of torture (wrong)
Picture (evidence)
Showing picture (transparency to correct the problem, of tortures that are breaking laws)
Smear, paparazzi, gossip
Action private does not harm (within perspective, not that wrong)
Picture (dumb but not anyone business)
Showing Picture (torture to use humiliation out of perspective for political gain.)
Explaining this (evidence, and transparency of how some want society ran)
Getting people to understand the difference (Trying to show them what not to use to try and decide who should run society)
Some people would correlate the comparison of the Abu Grabi Picture as what is wrong, not what is being done in the picture, and how that is the wrong being corrected by the picture.
In a smear or gossip out of perspective, it is the showing of the picture that is wrong, becuase it is nobodies business what is in the picture. Then showing that it is nobodies business, and understanding why, by a looking at harm done or not done, is the transparency making the smear merchants wrong. not someone not hurting people.
It requires a third component, and what that is is dependent mostly on the knife in your head.
Some think the pictures of Abu Grabi are the problem. Some think those showing them are the problem, I think it is clear that the action done or allowed done and people not knowing what was being done, was and is the problem.
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