It was an especially shrewd, if demoniacal, touch to coax the 47 defenders of the God-given Right Not to Have to Listen to Bad People to include settlements in its protected zone.
By Todd GitlinThat delegitimization crowd is not only vicious but dangerous, all right. It's growing in strength and reach. It can worm its way in anywhere. Anywhere. Forget the flotillas and flightillas - the enemy is already within the gates. It's erasing the Green Line. It speaks piously, but trades birthrights for pottage.
Now these despoilers of Israel's reputation as a light among the nations have infiltrated the Knesset itself, and under cover of darkness - emotional and ideological darkness - have coaxed, suborned, seduced, bribed or otherwise ensured that 47 duly elected members would carry out their evil, self-discrediting work. Imagine! Agents of Hamas, Col. Gadhafi & Co. - aided, no doubt, by the ghost of the grand mufti himself - cunningly contrived this stampede in favor of a national gag order to ban any call to boycott anyone or anything Israeli, that is, tied to "the State of Israel, one of its institutions or an area under its control, in such a way that may cause economic, cultural or academic damage."
Diabolical timing, too. Just at this crossroads in world history, when Egypt and Tunisia - imagine, Arabs! - have been fighting and dying for a regime that would uphold freedom of speech and the press, Israel, the bastion of democracy in a neighborhood well known for its nastiness, has chosen to look like either an Islamist monstrosity or a craven apologist for the cottage cheese industry. How did Israel's enemies manage this insult to democratic rights, not to mention common sense? Did they pay off in dollars, euros or shekels? Won't this be the anti-boycott law that launches a thousand boycotts? Does the devil not quote Scripture?
It was an especially shrewd, if demoniacal, touch to coax the 47 defenders of the God-given Right Not to Have to Listen to Bad People to include settlements in its protected zone. For not so long ago, wasn't the mayor of Ariel suing in Tel Aviv District Court to refund the value-added taxes the locals had paid, on the grounds that "the Ariel local council and the municipality, composed of residents of the region, convenes in the region and is managed from Ariel," and therefore did not belong to Israel proper? For that matter, has anyone looked to see who paid for that mayor's campaign costs?