However, the last thing we want to do is underestimate them. Sadly, the national media will do their best to anoint them, as they tried to anoint Sarah. Also, with Citizen United, the Koches can stuff their pols, for that matter, so can the Chinese, Russians, Iranians, or anyone else who wants to see the US slide down the rails. The churches will be in full bloom, especially as they can take down Mitt and say "this is a vIK-tor-ee for Jai-Zuzz!"
They also know that enough on the left are disappointed enough to play the old game of "well, a REAL GOP cannot be that much worse?" 2010 was just the dress rehearsal, and it worked far far better than anyone dreamed.
Lastly, let's not forget the third party spoiler. Nader is ready, as might be Bloomberg. The 3rd party person has NO chance of winning, but that person can make the election close enough to steal.