Colonel Danny Terza, who outlined the map for an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank for former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, has spent the past few months advising Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the possible future borders of a Palestinian state.
The talks between Netanyahu and Terza represent the first time that the prime minister has dedicated official groundwork to the subject of future borders.
According to a senior Israeli official in Jerusalem, Netanyahu even sent Terza to a meeting on the subject with President Shimon Peres several weeks ago. The purpose of the meeting was to brief Peres on Netanyahu’s ideas on the issue of the borders of a Palestinian state, as well as the option of preparing a map with the border line that would represent the prime minister’s position on the matter.
Terza also briefed Peres on the previous rounds of negotiations with the Palestinians on the issue of borders, with special focus on the talks conducted by Olmert and then Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni with senior Palestinian Authority officials in 2008.