WASHINGTON: Israeli officials concede they are unlikely to win the coming United Nations vote on Palestinian statehood - but they are leaving nothing to chance in an intense campaign to build what they call a ''moral minority'' to vote against the Palestinian bid to become the 194th member of the UN. Israeli officials hope that the ''moral minority'' of countries will refrain from supporting the Palestinian bid in the General Assembly, according to Israeli media reports.
On Friday, the Palestinians are expected to have a win of some kind - precisely what, remains unclear. Today, some governments are refusing to reveal how they intend to vote before publication of the exact wording of the Palestinian motion. And despite Palestinian claims that they would act next Friday, a European diplomat speculated to the Herald yesterday that the Palestinians would move strategically, to reveal the detail of their position ahead of the mid-week address to the General Assembly by the US President, Barack Obama.
Israel's moral minority argument has taken hold sufficiently for some analysts to be arguing that if the big European powers side with Israel and Washington, the Palestinians will have ''failed''. But if a EU majority goes with the Palestinians, they will have ''won''.
At this stage, France and Spain reportedly are ready to vote with the Palestinians; Germany and Italy are unsure and Britain is still attempting to resolve differences within the ruling coalition.