By Aaron Marcus | 0 comments
What does it mean to be in support of a Palestinian state? This is a question that should arise frequently over the course of the next few days and coming weeks as the Palestinian Authority seeks a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) at the United Nations. As college students who lean toward predominately progressive causes, it is vital to understand the importance of what this declaration indicates. Now, let us for a moment put aside the legal questions of the Palestinian UDI and the United Nations’ role in a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state. Let’s first get down to the basics of what it would mean to support this type of Palestinian state.
As many of your parents and professors will tell you, growing up in the 1950’s and 1960’s granted them the opportunity to witness history. The United States saw racial boundaries broken down and the end of Jim Crowe. This high point in American history re-established the motto immortalized in the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal.
Why, after preceding generations demanded these rights, should their kin stand for the opposite? Today, that same motto, which most believe to be universally true is being threatened under the guise of Palestinian Liberation. This isn’t solely my belief, but the direct policy of a potential Palestinian state as well. Maen Areikat, the Palestine Liberation Organization’s (PLO) ambassador to the United Nations, indicated two social policy platforms of a future Palestinian state at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. Areikat stated that Jews would “absolutely” be banned for a Palestinian state and has also been silent about gay rights.
Think about that for a moment: A state that is seeking international recognition will from its inception ban certain individuals based on their religion and potentially their sexual orientation. Compare that to Israel, a nation whose Muslim community represents 20 percent of its population, a nation that sees Muslims represented in the nation’s government and with permanent positions on the Israeli Supreme Court. Compare it to the openly gay service members who serve in the Israel Defense Forces and the annual gay pride parade in Tel Aviv that this past year drew more than 100,000 spectators.
While Areikat claims that a Palestine state would remain secular, his confession that Jews and gays will not be welcome in this potential country makes it crystal clear that Hamas will have a strong hand in the formation of a unilaterally declared Palestinian state. Aside from the obvious questions one should have with a terrorist organization running a country, the PLO’s conformity to such a group of people calls into question their legitimacy as well. Hamas calls for not only the destruction of all Israeli Jews in their charter, but Jews around the world as well. In addition, they lump “western capitalists,” i.e., the United States, into the realm of those they seek to destroy.