* Dr. Edward Rettig is Director of AJC-Jerusalem
Rabbi David Rosen is AJC's International Director of Interreligious Affairs
A burning house of God
A burned house of worship, in this case a mosque in the Israeli Arab town of Tuba Zangaria, and a desecrated Arab cemetery in Jaffa, were together an ominous opening to the New Year. To be sure, the responses from the local authorities on up to the prime minister and president Israel have been exemplary.
But in the face of what appears to be a political assault on a mosque and either anti-Arab political violence or sheer hooliganism expressed in the appalling slogans written on grave markers in Jaffa, much more is needed. Whether it is fair to demand more is not the question. Rather, the urgent question is what will be effective in preventing further outbreaks of violent religious and ethnic bigotry.