The Israeli ex-settler at the center of Occupy Wall Street
Kobi Skolnick, an ex-settler and Chabadnik turned non-Observant Israeli, is in NYC fighting for a better future – one where money doesn't comfort the rich while burdening the poor.
By Haaretz
"No" was probably the last word finance giant Citigroup expected to hear when it offered the protesters sitting across the street whether they'd be interested in sitting down to discuss what's bothering them.
The Occupy Wall Street protesters have already spent two months residing in tents at a park situated near Ground Zero, where the Twin Towers once stood – not far from the New York Stock Exchange.
Ex-settler and Chabadnik turned non-Observant Israeli, Kobi Skolnick, explains why the meeting didn't work out. "Citigroup approached us and offered for us to meet up. We agreed, but said we'd only meet here - in the square. One of the problems with politicians is that they leave their voters very quickly and go to rub shoulders with businessmen and wealthy people who give them donations. We're different. We are happy to speak to everyone – but come here to talk, not at your offices. And they decided not to come."
Skolnick, 30, is not a tourist that randomly got caught up with the movement, but is one of its core founding members– a group of about 20 activists. He arrived at Zuccotti Park last month– the day after the protest broke out, on September 18 – after he found out in July, via chain mails, that the movement was coming together. "I came here and straight away felt at home. There were intelligent people here who understand the problems, who want to change the world. But they are not naïve, rather very pragmatic. They understand that the United States is sinking and that the young generation around the world, and here too, demands a change. What you see here is a real protest. A protest that comes from the roots."
Skolnick's role in the Occupt Wall Street movement is in managing communications with the media and the protesters' meetings. It is not an official role and he is not the only person fulfilling it – this is a democratic movement without official leaders. Skolnick himself also participates in protests.
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