"A woman who interrupted Binyamin Netanyahu's speech to a joint session of Congress claims supporters of AIPAC, the powerful Israeli lobby, roughed her up when she stood up from her seat in the Gallery of the U.S. House and opened a banner stating "Occupying Land is Indefensible," while shouting, "No more occupation. Stop Israeli war crimes!"
Rachel Abileah sued three John Does and a Jane Doe in Federal Court, in a complaint nearly identical to the one she filed in Superior Court in August.
Abileah, a 28-year-old U.S. citizen of Israeli descent and an employee of the grassroots social justice organization CODEPINK, says she was authorized to attend the May 24 event by a member of Congress.
"As soon as Ms. Abileah entered the Gallery, she noticed that many of the people sitting around her were wearing badges identifying themselves as attendees of the 2011 American Israeli Public Affairs Committee ('AIPAC') Police Conference," her complaint states.
Ten minutes after Prime Minister Netanyahu began his address, Abileah says, she "stood up from her seat in the Gallery and opened a banner that read 'Occupying Land is Indefensible.' At the same time, she shouted, 'No more occupation. Stop Israeli war crimes!'"
The four John Does immediately assaulted her, she says."