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U.S. deporting Palestinians

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Resistance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-01-03 12:00 AM
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U.S. deporting Palestinians

In its post-September 11 push to close potential immigration loopholes, the United States has charted new routes to expel Palestinians, even though they consider themselves stateless.

Fifteen Palestinians were put in handcuffs on planes by U.S. officials in December and May and deported to the West Bank and Gaza Strip with the help of Jordan, Egypt and Israel.

Deporting people of Palestinian origin is more complicated than it is for other nationalities because they do not have a state to call their own. Other Palestinians who are in detention and facing deportation hearings fear they will be next to be sent into the Israeli-Palestinian war zone.

"It is not only chilling, it is also racist," said Amer Jubran, a Boston-area Palestinian who helped organise antiwar and anti-Israel protests with the left-wing group ANSWER.

"Friends in my organisation are Jews and Christians, white Americans, but police do not target them, they target Arabs," said Jubran,34 , who was detained for 17 days in November 2002 and had his first deportation hearing this month.
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DagmarK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-01-03 01:02 AM
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1. Completely a side topic, but.........
I think it's safe to say that at SOME point the US govt will target the white americans associated with ANSWER. As subversives, no doubt.

Our govt is a bunch of thugs!~
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