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Nablus mother of seven took part in foiled bombing plot

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pistoff democrat Donating Member (733 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-10-03 07:50 AM
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Nablus mother of seven took part in foiled bombing plot

The bombing was planned by Fatah's military wing in Nablus. The bomber, 20-year-old Suliman Abu Awis of the Balata refugee camp near Nablus, left the city Monday morning in a car, along with his guide, Saber Abu Saris, a 37-year-old from Nablus who also has seven children.

The woman, Latifa Abu Dar'a, 40, of Balata, was sent ahead in a separate car. Her job was to report to the others on the location of Israel Defense Forces roadblocks. Since IDF soldiers very rarely do body searches on women, it was decided that Abu Dar'a would also wear the explosives belt around her waist.

Both cars crossed into Israel near Kafr Qasem and then met up. Abu Dar'a handed over the explosives belt and then returned to Nablus, while the other two headed for Rosh Ha'ayin. However, due to intelligence information, the security agencies had massively increased their presence in the region, causing the two to abandon the planned attack and return to the territories.

The two reached Kafr Habla, near Qalqilyah, where they ditched the belt by throwing it into an olive grove and then hid in a group of houses surrounding a mosque. However, a tip led members of the police's anti-terror unit to the site yesterday afternoon, and both men were arrested. Shortly thereafter, IDF soldiers arrested Abu Dar'a at her house in Nablus. Soldiers also located the explosives belt and detonated it in a controlled explosion.

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