The government is to modify the route of the separation fence after discussions between senior IDF officers and politicians.
There will be two major changes in plans for the fence. One is in the area of Baka al-Garbiyeh on the Israeli side of the fence, and Baka al-Sharkiya on the West Bank. The original plan to build barriers to the east and west of Baka al-Sharkiya will be scrapped and residents of the village and its outlying area will not find themselves inside Israeli territory. The fence will instead run between the two villages, conforming mostly to the 1967 Green Line.
The second change is near Qalqilyah where disputes about the fence have attracted considerable international media attention, putting Israel on the defensive in a major public relations war. Qalqilyah is considered relatively quiet with respect to terror but was being surrounded by fences on its west and east sides, making it an enclave.
Guess no one noticed this change, announced quietly, a couple of days ago.