The powder keg settlement, a symbol for hard-liners both Israeli and Palestinian, has become the focus of a new arena of military refusal in Israel: a campaign by a decidedly non-pacifist father, a battle-seasoned major in the IDF's combat reserves, to keep his recently drafted daughter from obeying an order to report for service in Netzarim.
"When I had the option to choose whether to send her, at her level of readiness, to Netzarim, or the option that she'll be in jail, I preferred the option of jail, because she may come back to me from jail sad or somewhat hurt, but she will come back to me alive.
In contrast to the ideological orientation of refusal movements thus far, Ofek emphasized that his concerns had nothing to do with politics, rather the army's willingness to post her in a hellish environment without having trained her to defend herself.
It was at Netzarim Junction that 12-year-old Mohammed Dura bled to an agonizing death, captured on film, during an endless crossfire at the outset of the intifada, instantly becoming a symbol for a billion Muslims worldwide.