Very impressive and detailed analysis here ...PART ONE: PROPAGANDA, SELECTIVE MORALITY, DENIAL: CRIMES OF WAR
By Teresa Michelle Rossomando U.S. mainstream network and cable news have succeeded in keeping America's attention squarely focused upon only that harm that enables the continued justification of Israeli strategy and Israeli aggression. With relevant facts to suggest otherwise completely obscured, America fixates upon the suicide bomber, the suicide bomber. Our fears heightened, we only sympathize with the victims we can see. Our moral indignation led to flair. Thus fixated, free thought becomes stagnant. It is interesting to observe really, thought control in action.First of all, let me make it perfectly clear I am simply a humanist. I do not advocate the targeting of civilians. On the other hand I abhor lying, so I am neither inclined to cater to a double standard, particularly when the morality that the standard is based upon is replaced by a hypocrisy whose righteousness stems from a sense of cultural, religious or racial supremacy, and the same measures for judging morality are then not applied to all parties concerned. Therefore, I can no longer stand by in silence, while I observe what I judge to be malfeasance with regard to the overwhelming bias within U.S. mainstream news coverage as it pertains to the Israeli Palestinian conflict, in violation of all moral dignity and in direct opposition to Peace.
Nothing surprisingly new really, the U.S. mainstream seems guided by exactly this sense of high, but very selective morality which exercises a kind of bias whose aim is to reinforce the strengthening of convictions rendering the lives of one side worthier than the lives of the other. In their conscientious intent to moralize the Israeli side, while demoralizing the Palestinian, through highly unbalanced news coverage, U.S. mainstream network and cable news have succeeded in keeping America's attention squarely focused upon only that harm that enables the continued justification of Israeli strategy and Israeli aggression.
American opinion manipulated in this manner, we are not privy to any footage substantiating the fact that the Palestinians have been the victims of Israel's half a century, slow-motion dispossession of them from their homes, displaced from their land and their livelihoods, with Israel over the years gaining control of more and more of that portion of the land mandated to those indigenous to this land. Apparently, this is irrelevant, a mere footnote. Within the last three years, the Israeli Occupation has been pushed farther and farther into the background, rarely ever mentioned, barely remembered. Out of sight out of mind. Instant amnesia. Instead, the suicide bomber, the suicide bomber has been utilized as a form of hypnosis to emphasize the evil morality of those we are told hate us purely out of jealousy, if for any real good reason at all.
With America's attention drawn to focus solely on Palestinian aggression, with no attention paid to where these aggressions stem from; all Palestinian resistance becomes terrorism. Without its proper placement within its rightful historic context; this terrorism is made to appear baseless, having no apparent rationale, but for some kind of corruption within, if not the Muslim him or herself, than a corruption within the whole of Islam stemming from an intrinsic moral bankruptcy with no relevant provocation, but for a baseless and irrational hatred for Jews and for Americans.
(snipped the rest)