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Ha'aretz (Sunday): PM weighs changing separation fence route

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Jack Rabbit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 01:09 AM
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Ha'aretz (Sunday): PM weighs changing separation fence route
From Ha'aretz (Jerusalem)
Dated Sunday January 18

PM weighs changing separation fence route
By Aluf Benn and Baruch Kra, Ha'aretz Correspondent

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon will decide over the coming days whether to reconsider parts of the route of the separation fence, after acting Attorney General Edna Arbel told him last Wednesday that it would be difficult for the State Attorney's Office to defend the obstacle's planned route in the High Court of Justice, and certainly before the International Court of Justice at The Hague. The State Prosecutor's Office is currently preparing a written opinion on the matter.
Over the past few weeks, Arbel has collated data, reports and opinions on the fence prepared by senior Justice Ministry officials. The main problems in defending the fence pointed out by the officials concern the expropriation of clearly Palestinian territory, the surrounding of Palestinian villages, and the fact that the fence will block Palestinians from accessing their lands and sources of livelihood in certain areas.
The officials have recently managed to convince Justice Minister Yosef Lapid of the problems with the separation fence route, prompting him to propose a new route. Lapid spoke recently in the media of the difficulties he expects Israel to face if it sticks with the originally planned route of the fence . . . .
The sections of the fence that the prime minister has been advised to reconsider include parts of the "Jerusalem envelope," the enclave planned near Beit Aryeh and along the length of Road 443, and the yet-to-be-approved plan to link Ariel, Karnei Shomron and Kedumim to the main fence along the Green Line.

Read more.

International law works.

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tinnypriv Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 09:29 AM
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1. The sections to "reconsider"
Just happen to be the sections the US disapproves of. Weird that.

This was noted in Israel as completely obvious as soon as the final route was published1. Never seen it noted in the US press (unsurprisingly).


1. Rappaport, Ma'ariv, 24 October 2003.
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Jack Rabbit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 04:54 PM
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2. Mofaz says he opposes any change in route of W. Bank fence
From Ha'aretz (Jerusalem)
Dated Sunday January 18 (late)

Mofaz says he opposes any change in route of W. Bank fence
By Gideon Alon, Aluf Benn and Baruch Kra, Haaretz Correspondents

Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said Sunday that he opposes any alteration in the route of the West Bank separation fence.
Mofaz was speaking at a meeting with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and other ministers, who were discussing a proposal to change parts of the route of the fence, after acting Attorney General Edna Arbel told Sharon last Wednesday that it would be difficult for the State Attorney's Office to defend the obstacle's planned route in the High Court of Justice, and certainly before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague.
The State Prosecutor's Office is currently preparing a position paper on the matter.
The inner cabinet decided to reconvene toward the end of the month to decide whether to send representatives to the ICJ to defend the separation fence.

Read more.

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vierundzwanzig Donating Member (320 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 10:38 PM
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3. This is a duplicate
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