"I agree, however when that same person finds fault with EVERY thing that Israel does and says, you just about bet your bottom dollar that you are dealing with an anti-Semite."
First of all, hardly anybody finds fault with literally everything that a country says and does. However, suppose a person is like that with Israel and with certain other countries. Are they still anti-semite? Anti-semitism would be where the Jews are being singled out.
I don't single out Israel. I have enough criticism to go around. I do criticize a heck of a lot of the things that Israel does, including things that I think hurts their own citizens. For example, Israel pretty much exploits their poor by getting many of them to move out into the West Bank and the Gaza strip. They could build those settlements inside of Israel, but they won't do that. They want to build those settlements in a place that will get their people targeted. To me, it's the same as recruiting the poor to go to war (which other countries do).
Let me bring up something though.
Seriously, I've been wanting to ask a "pro-Israeli" this type of stuff for a long time.
How do you feel about some of the strange stuff being done in the name of promoting the Jewish state? Let me give you a couple of examples.
http://www.nealpollack.com/cgi-bin/blog/do.cgi/200309232226/permalinkAnother emotion I felt yesterday was joy. That's because my dear friend Silvio Berlusconi, the grand archduke of the Italian territories, received an award from the Anti-Defamation League because of his strong support for Israel. The so-called Nobel Laureates who are condeming the honor whine that Berlusconi claimed recently in an interview that Benito Mussolini "never killed anyone." Really, what's the big deal in saying something like that? Why wouldn't a group of prominent Jewish intellectuals and media executives want to honor a backhanded Holocaust denier? The award, to me, shows just how far we've come since World War II. Rupert Murdoch, my friend and publisher, once said that Hitler would have made an "interesting dinner companion," but that didn't stop him from winning the Jew Of The Year Award in 1999, even though he's not Jewish.
What about George W? He said that Jews couldn’t go to Heaven. He took it back after being slammed for it of course.
http://www.bushnews.com/jews.htmThat’s not all though. Here’s more. If you want better sources to believe this, then just ask me for them. This is about the Bush family itself.
“According to a story in the Albian Monitor,"Prescott Bush, the father of the former President and the grandfather of the current candidate, spent more than a decade helping his father-in-law George Herbert Walker finance Adolf Hitler from the Wall Street bank, Union Banking Corporation. (Union Banking Corp. was eventually seized under the Trading With The Enemy Act. See Office of Alien Property Custodian, Vesting Order No. 248; Filed, November 6, 1942, 11:31 A.M.; 7 Fed. Reg. 9097 (Nov. 7, 1942).) Walker was one of Hitler's most powerful supporters in the United States, and landed Prescott Bush a job as a director at the firm. From 1924 to 1936, Bush's bank invested heavily in Nazi Germany, selling $50 million of German bonds to American investors. In 1934, a congressional investigation believed that Walker's Hamburg-America Line subsidized a wide range of pro-Nazi efforts in both Germany and the United States. One of Walker's employees, Dan Harkins, delivered testimony to Congressional leaders regarding Walker's Nazi sympathies and business transactions. According to US Government Vesting Order No. 248, many of Union Banking's assets had been operated on behalf of Nazi Germany and had been used to support the German war effort. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian vested the Union Banking Corp.'s stock shares and also issued two other Vesting Orders (nos. 259 and 261) to seize two other Nazi-influenced organizations managed by Bush's bank: Holland American Trading Corporation and Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation. Many major firms had dealings with Nazis in the years leading up to World War II, but relatively few engaged in such extended cooperation with Hitler's Germany after Pearl Harbor. (The Secret War Against The Jews by John Loftus and Mark Aarons. New York; St. Martins Press, 1994.) "
“More recently, both George W. Bush and his father, the former President, had been forced to deal with anti-Semitism in Poppy's campaign, according to the Albian Monitor story: "Nazism was more than a joke to George Bush when he was running for President.... In the fall of 1988, Vice President Bush had to fire several neo-Nazis and anti-Semites from his Presidential campaign. The scandal erupted when Washington Jewish Week and other media outlets discovered that the Bush campaign harbored well known neo-Nazis, including Jerome Brentar, a holocaust revisionist who claims that the Nazis never deliberately gassed victims of the Holocaust, and Akselis Mangulis, who was involved in the SS-influenced Latvian Legion during World War II.8 George W. Bush, the campaign's hatchet man, fired the Nazis.... After the election, four of these came back to work for the Republican Party according to USA Today. (Old Nazis, The New Right And The Republican Party by Russ Bellant. Boston, MA; South End Press, 1991.)...In September of 1999, when many Republicans were calling for Pat Buchanan to resign from the Party for his seeming affection for Hitler and criticism of the US actions during World War II, the presidential front-runner remained silent.’”
There’s more, but I’ll stop there. Anyway, how do you feel knowing that big pro-Israelis like Bush are anti-semite? How do you feel knowing that the Bush’s made money off of killing Jews? I think that all anti-semitism is awful. I think it’s even more awful that people are making where one stands on Israel as the great weight on what an anti-semite is. It’s like they’re telling anti-semites like the Bush’s “It’s okay. You support Israel”. At least, that’s how I feel about it.