What merciful Jewish heart cannot identify with the settlers of Migron, surrounded by their adorable blue-eyed blond haired kids, pleading not to be evicted from the homes they have toiled so hard to build. “ Have pity on us, merciful Jews, we are brothers, how can you let them hurt us like his”, they cry out. One could think we were talking about Tevye in Fiddler On The Roof, about to be banished from his village of Anatevke by Tsarist police. The truth is that we are talking about a group of illegal squatters, who have been told to move by the army of the sovereign Jewish state.
The truth is they have no problem with hurting, as long as they are on the giving end. Beating up Arab traders in the Hebron market and destroying their livelihoods is fine, and to make it a complete mitzvah they will do whatever they can to ensure any decision by the government to compensate the Arabs will never be implemented.
A chasm divides these settlers from the Rabbi whose name they take in vain. As far as they are concerned it is their God given right to drive the local Arab population from the land. They believe that the violence is kosher, as long as Jews perpetrate it against Arabs.
Rabbi Kook would never have tolerated such behavior. In a letter he wrote to the principal of a school whose students had behaved rudely towards Arabs, he said “I was hurt and insulted by what I saw, both as a Jew and a human being. Our way is the path of peace and neighborliness”.
Any similarity between Rabbi Kook, and these self-proclaimed pupils of his is purely coincidental. These settlers would build their villas and gardens in the midst of an oppressed and hopeless Palestinian population, and keep thousands of their involuntary and unwilling Arab neighbors under constant curfew, so they can stroll at will along the deserted streets of Hebron.
moreYes, reflection, looking in the mirror. Removing the beam from your own eye before worrying about your brothers. The way to peace. And no you don't have to tell me, the Palestinians must do this too, but I'm always happy when I see sanity coming from any side.