let her know she is not alone! To that end, I sent along like-minded sentiments as follows:
The Palestinians, of course, have been the greatest victims of this half a century of Israeli terror. In fact, Israel carved its state out of Palestine through a deliberate policy of mass terror against the Palestinians. It was the method by which they drove 800,000 of them from their homes, businesses and farms(9). In his book The Revolt(10), former Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, boasts about his role in the massacre of the 254 Palestinians at Deir Yassin. (Most of the victims were elderly men, women and children who remained in the Israeli-occupied village) In his book, Begin points out that Deir Yassin and other massacres caused panic among the residents, causing them to flee in terror from their homes. This intentional mass terror enabled the Zionists to take control of Palestine. And, it should be noted that the refugees are still not permitted to return home after more than half a century!
The Mossad is the most ruthless terrorist organization in the entire world. It is also one of the largest and most sophisticated intelligence organizations. No other nation comes even close to its scope and power in the Mideast region. It prides itself on infiltrating every sizable militant Palestinian and Arabic organization on earth. Knowing these facts, there can be little doubt the Mossad has deeply penetrated one of the oldest, largest and what is considered the most dangerous Arabic terrorist organization on earth; bin Laden’s al-Qaida.
Courageously share the information of this article with other Americans and the rest of the world. Let us tell the truth about the worst terrorist nation on earth: Israel. In doing so, you will help save not only the Palestinian people, but the lives and freedom of the American people as well.
David Duke
Former Member of the House of Representatives
State of Louisiana, United States of America